Edgar allen poe is born
Edgar Poe is born on January 19, in Boston.
Thomas Jefferson is President.
Abraham Lincoln is born on February 12, in Kentucky.
Charles Darwin is born on February 12, in England. -
Poe’s Sister is born.
Edgar's parents separate. Elizabeth Poe takes the children -
Poe’s Parents Die.
Edgar's mother, Elizabeth dies.
Mr. and Mrs. John Allan adopt Edgar Poe. -
Poe writes his first poem.
One of the most interesting presidential elections in U.S. history -
Poe enlists in the U.S. Army and shortly after his first book is published.
Poe drops out of school because John Allan won't give him any money.
Poe writes and prints his first book, "Tamerlane and other Poems".
Poe can't support himself so he joins the United States Army.
Ludwig Van Beethoven dies. -
Poe’s older brother dies.
Poe deliberately gets kicked out of West Point. -
Poe marries his thirteen year old cousin, Virginia Clemm.
Edgar Poe marries his cousin Virginia in May. She is 13.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, 33, publishes his first book, "Nature".
Battle of the Alamo. -
Poe writes his first novel The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
Poe writes "Ligeia" -
Poe's story collection Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque is published in two volumes.
French sculptor, Auguste Rodin is born on November 12, in Paris.
French painter, Claude Monet is born on November 14, in Paris. -
Poe publishes the poem, The Raven.
Poe writes "The Raven".
Poe was working 14 hour days but still couldn't make a living.
Florida becomes the 27th State of the U.S.A. on March 3 -
Poe's wife Virginia dies
Poe's wife, Virginia, dies from tuberculosis at their home in the Bronx. on January 30.
Thomas Edison is born on February 11, in Ohio. -
Edgar Allen Poe Dies
June 30 - Poe leaves NYC and visits John Sartain in Philadelphia.
July 13 - Poe goes to Richmond and stays at the Swan Tavern Hotel.
Poe joins the "Sons of Temperance" in an effort to stop drinking.
Poe lectures on "The Poetic Principle".
Sept 27 - Poe leaves Richmond and goes back to Philadelphia.
Sept 30 - Poe apparently gets on the wrong train and goes to Baltimore.
Oct 3 - Poe is found half conscious and is taken to a hospital.
Edgar Allan Poe dies on October 7, 1849.