Edgar Allen Poe

By sh8521
  • Edgar Allen Poe Birth

    Edgar Allen Poe Birth
    On October 19, 1809, Edgar Allen Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts.
  • Period: to

    Edgar Allen Poe's Lifespan

  • School

    Edgar Allen Poe attends school in England when he is 6 years old.
  • United States

    Edgar Poe comes to the United States to continue his schooling.
  • College

    Edgar Allen Poe attends the University of virgina.
  • First Book

    First Book
    Egar Poe writes his first book "Tamerlane and other Poems" in 1827
  • "To the River"

    In 1829 Edgar Poe publish "To the River".
    Fair river! in thy bright, clear flow
    Of crystal, wandering water,
    Thou art an emblem of the glow
    Of beauty -- the unhidden heart --
    The playful maziness of art
    In old Alberto's daughter; But when within thy wave she looks --
    Which glistens then, and trembles --
    Why, then, the prettiest of brooks
    Her worshipper resembles;
    For in my heart, as in thy stream,
    Her image deeply lies --
    The heart which trembles at the beam
  • Edagar Allan Poe becomes Editor

    In 1835, Edagar Allan Poe became the editor for the "Southern Literary Messenger" in Richmond.
  • Marrage

    In 1836 Edagar Allan Poe married his cousin Virgina Clemm. She was 13 years old.
  • "The Raven"

    In 1845, Edgar Allan Poe published one of his most famous poems "The Raven" This is the first stanza. Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
    Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
    While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
    As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
    "'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door-
    Only this, and nothing more."
  • Virgina Passing

    Sadly Edgar's wife Virgina died in 1847.
  • "For Annie"

    In 1849 his poem "For Annie" was publish the first two stanzes are,
    Thank Heaven! the crisis --
    The danger is past,
    And the lingering illness
    Is over at last --
    And the fever called "Living"
    Is conquered at last. Sadly, I know
    I am shorn of my strength,
    And no muscle I move
    As I lie at full length --
    But no matter! -- I feel
    I am better at length.
  • Edgar Poe is taken to the hospital

    Edgar Poe was found half unconsious in his hotel room. He was taken to the hospital.
  • Edgar Allen Poe Passing

    Edgar Allen Poe passesd away from "acute congestion of the brain."