Edgar Allen Poe

  • Edgar Allen Poe is born

    Edgar Allen Poe is born in boston in 1809 on Jan. 19th
  • Elizabeth Poe dies

    Elizabeth Aronald Poe dies on 1811 Dec. 8 when Edgar is two years old.
  • Orphaned Edgar

    Edgar is taken in by john and frances allen in 1811 on Dec.26
  • Edgar starts school

    Edgar starts school at five years of age in 1814
  • Poe changes schools

    Poe moves to Mr. William Ewing school
  • Swimming far

    Poe swims six or seven miles up the james river
  • better house

    John Allen buys a brick mansion
  • Poes first book

    Poe publishes his first book called Tamerlane and Other Poems‍
  • West Point

    Poe joins West Point
  • Poe marries

    Poe and his cousin Virginia marry
  • Journal of Julius Rodman

    One of Poes stories is punlished in a magazine called Journal of Julius Rodman
  • The Raven

    Poe publishes the Raven the most popular poem he publishes
  • Death of a Poe

    Edgar Allen Poe dies in Baltimore in the washington university hospital