Edgar Allan Poe's birth
Edgar is born on January 19th 1809 in Boston MA -
Death of Poe's mother
His mother dies when Edgar is not quite 3. She dies of TB -
Foster care
Edgar was in foster care by the Allans -
First child hood love
Edgar's first child hood love died when he was 15 of brain cancer. -
bording school
in 1827 Edgar's foster dad sent him to bording school. -
Enlisting in the army
In 1828 Edgar enlist in the army to help him get him out of his 2,000 dollar debt. He enlist as Edgar Allan Perry. -
Foster mother is dies from TB
moves in with his aunt
In 1831 he moves in with his aunt and his 8 year old cousin Vriginia -
His foster died in 1834
Foster dad died and left Edgar out of his will. -
leaves and confesses
In 1835 Edgar leaves an goes to the south to become an editor. Later on he writes his aunt confessing his love for his first cousin virginia. -
Virginia is diagnosed with TB
Virginia is diagnosd with TB in 1841.She carries it for 5 years. Later on dies. -
Dating women
Poe is now talking to several different women. He soon engages to a women named Hellen and the engagement quickly fell off. -
Ended up somewhere
Poe became a raging alcoholic and somehow ened up in in the streets of Baltimore and he was supposed to be in New York. -
POe evantually is taken to the hosptial and dies there. They do not know the reason or cause of his death