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edgar allan poe timeline

  • edgar allen poe is born

    edgar allen poe is born
    he was born in boston masachusets
  • poes sister is born

    poes sister is born
    rosalie mackinzie is born
  • poes parents die

    poes parents die
    his father and mother died in 1811 dad was david poe jr
  • poe writes first poem

    poe writes first poem
    poe wrote his first poem in 1824 in boston massachusets
  • poe enlists in the us army and shortly after his book is published.

    poe enlists in the us army and shortly after his book is published.
    Poe enlisted in the U.S. Army under the name "Edgar A. Perry." He did well as a soldier, rising to the rank of sergeant major
  • poes older brother dies

    poes older brother dies
    his older brother william hennry leonard poe died.
  • poe marries his 13 year old cousin

    poe marries his 13 year old cousin
    poe marries his 13 year old cousin virinia clemm he was 12 she was 12
  • poe writes his first novel

    poe writes his first novel
    poe writes his first novel the narative of arthur gordon pym.
  • poes story collection tales pf the grotesque and arabesque is pubished in two volums

    poes story collection tales pf the grotesque and arabesque is pubished in two volums
  • poe publishes a poem

    poe publishes a poem
    poe published the raven in 1845
  • poes wife virginia dies of tuberculosis

    poes wife virginia dies of tuberculosis
    she dies in bronx new york in their home in 1847
  • edgar allen poe dies

    edgar allen poe dies
    poe died and nobody knew the cause of the death