Edgar Allan Poe: The Man Behind Macabre (Gabby Moore)

  • Edgar's Birth

    Edgar Allan Poe born to Isliza Poe and Poe's unknown father in January 19, 1809 in Boston MA.
  • Edgar's Beginning

    Edgar Allan Poe's father left him and his faithful mother (Isliza Poe) when he was two.
  • Result

    With his father leaving to a unknown place both the parents seperated.
  • Iliza's Death

    After many years of fighting TB Poe's mother died a painful death in 1811.
  • More Death Of Loved Women

    Poe's first love then died of brain cancer when he was in fiftheen.
  • Conflict

    When Poe's foster mom began to get sick with TB his foster father began to have mutiple affairs with other women. To have his affairs in peace he sent Poe to boarding school.
  • More Death

    Poe's foster mother dies of TB in 1829
  • Life After

    Joined the army to get out of his gambling dept. around 1830
  • Poe's Hope

    Moves in with aunt and cousin
  • Death Of Foster Dad

    Foster dad (john allan) dies
  • Books

    Published first murder book
  • Moving

    Poe Moves to New York found on street knocked out.
  • Sorrow

    Poe's love gets TB and dies
  • Poe's Death/End

    Poe dies