
Edgar Allan Poe's Terribly Tragic Life

  • Edgar Allan Poe is born

    Edgar Allan Poe is born
  • Poe's dad left him when he was only one

    Poe's dad left him when he was only one
  • Poe's Mom died of tuberculosis

    Poe's Mom died of tuberculosis
    Not the last person to die of tuberculosis in his life.
  • Poe's first love died of brain cancer

    Poe's first love died of brain cancer
    Poe was devastated and often went to her grave commonly.
  • Edgar's foster dad sent him to boarding school

    Edgar's foster dad sent him to boarding school
    Edgar's dad was having affairs with other women and sent Edgar away to keep having affairs.
  • Poe was left poor at boarding school

    Poe was left poor at boarding school
    Poe begged his foster dad for money but he refused and Poe eventually resorted to burning his own furniture for heat.
  • Poe joined the army

    Poe joined the army
  • Foster mom died of tuberculosis

    Foster mom died of tuberculosis
  • Poe was sent to his Foster Dads death bed

    Poe found out his foster dad was leaving him no money or anything.
  • Edgar married his 13 year old cousin, Virginia

    Edgar married his 13 year old cousin at the age of 26
  • Poe's "The Raven" was published

    Poe's "The Raven" was published
    unfortunately... He only made $14
  • Poe's wife died of tuberculousis

  • Poe found delirious on the sidewalk

    Poe was found on the sidewalk in someone else's clothes, drunk and unconcious
  • Edgar Allan Poe dies

    His last words were "Lord, please help my poor soul"