
Edgar Allan Poe Logan23

  • Edgar Allan Poe was born

  • Poe's Mother dies of TB

    Poe was only 3 years old.
  • Mrs. and Mr. John Allan take in poe

    Poe was never formally adopted by them and did not fell right taking their last name. He never called himself Edgar Allan Poe and it was only after his death that this became the name he was known by.
  • The war of 1812 Begins

  • The British burn Washington D.C.

    Date not accurate only year
  • Edgar starts school in england

    He is six years olf at this point.
    Only the year is acurate
  • Napolean is defeated in the battle of Waterloo

  • Edgar returns to the U.S.

    Only year is accurate
  • Poe's First book is published

    Only year is accurate
  • Slavery is banded in Britiain

    Only year is accurate
  • Poe Writes the Raven

    Only year is accurate
  • Edgar Allan Poe Dies

    There is still questions today on how exactly he died