
Edgar Allan Poe

  • Writer born

    Writer born
    Edgar Poe was born in Boston, Massachussetts. His mother, Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins Poe, was an actress. His father, David Poe Jr, abadoned his family.
  • Elizabeth's death

    Elizabeth's death
    Elizabeth died of tuberculosis. Edgar was taken by John and Frances Allan, but he was not officially adopted.
  • To Britain

    To Britain
    The Allan family sailed to Britain.
  • Welcome home Poe

    Welcome home Poe
    The Allans moved back to Richmond, Virginia.
  • Study time

    Study time
    Edgar went to the University of Virginia at the age of 17.
  • To the Army

    To the Army
    Poe moved back to Boston and enlisted in the United States Army. He enlisted as Edgar A. Perry and even though he was 18, he said he was 22.
  • First collection of poems

    First collection of poems
    In 1827, his first collection of poems, Tamerlane, and other poems was published.
  • Frances' death

    Frances' death
    Frances Allan died of consumption. Poe visited the day after the burial.
  • New York awaits

    New York awaits
    Poe went to New York City where he had some of his poetry published. He submitted stories to a number of magazines and they were all rejected.
  • A new editor

    A new editor
    Poe became the editor of the Southern Literary Messenger in Richmond.
  • The perfect couple

    The perfect couple
    Poe brought his aunt and twelve-year-old cousin whom he married, to Richmond. They a very happy and loving couple.
  • Assistant editor

    Assistant editor
    In the summer Poe became assistant editor of Burton's Gentleman's Magazine. He published articles, stories, and reviews, making a reputation as a critic that he had made at the Southern Literary Messenger.
  • Virginia and her sickness

    Virginia and her sickness
    Virginia showed the first signs of consumption, while singing and playing the piano. Poe described it as breaking a blood vessel in her throat.
  • The Raven

    The Raven
    His poem "The Raven" appeared in the Evening Mirror and became a popular sensation.Though it made Poe famous almost instantly, he was paid only $9 for its publication.
  • Death's knocking

    Death's knocking
    Poe was found by Joseph W. Walker on the streets of Baltimore delirious.
  • Time's up

    Time's up
    He was taken to Washington College Hospital were he died on a Sunday at 5:00 in the morning.