Edgar Allan Poe

  • Edgar Allan Poe is born

    Edgar Allan Poe is born
  • Poe's mother dies

    Poe's mother dies
    She died of tuberculosis
  • Poe moves to England

  • Poe returns to Richmond

  • Poe registers at the University of Virginia

    Poe registers at the University of Virginia
  • Poe publishes his first book

    Poe publishes his first book
  • Poe joins the army

  • Poe's adoptive mother dies

    Poe's adoptive mother dies
  • Poe moves to his aunt's house

    Poe moves to his aunt's house
  • Poe publishes "MS. Found in a Bottle"

    Poe publishes "MS. Found in a Bottle"
  • Poe marries his cousin, Virginia Eliza Clemm

    Poe marries his cousin, Virginia Eliza Clemm
  • Poe publishes his only novella, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket

    Poe publishes his only novella, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
  • Virginia catches tuberculosis

  • Poe publishes his major stories

  • Poe publishes "The Raven"

    Poe publishes "The Raven"
  • Poe meets Frances Sargent Osgood

  • Virginia dies of tuberculosis

  • Poe and Frances Osgood break up

    Poe and Frances Osgood break up
  • Poe meets Sarah Helen Whitman

    Poe meets Sarah Helen Whitman
  • Poe dies in Baltimore

    Poe dies in Baltimore