
Edgar Allan Poe

  • Edgar Poe was born.

    Born in Boston to David and Elizabeth Poe.
  • Period: to

    Timespan of life

  • Father leaves

    Edgar's father leaves his family when Edgar was only 1 year old.
  • Mother Dies

    Mother Dies
    Mother Elizebeth dies of an unspecified lung ailment.
    Mr. and Mrs. John Allan adopt Edgar Poe.
  • Edgar goes to school

    Goes to school in London at the age of 6
    The boarding school of the Misses Dubourg, in London
    The Manor House School, in London
  • Returns to United States

    When he was 11, to continue his schooling.
  • Edgar attends the academy of William Burke, succeeds in athletics.

    He was only 14
  • Edgar's uncle dies

    He gets a fortune at the age of 16.
  • Edgar transfers to the University of Virginia

    At age of 17. Goes by the name Edgar Poe
  • Poe drops out

    of school because John Allan won't give him any money.
    Poe writes and prints his first book, "Tamerlane and other Poems".
    Poe can't support himself so he joins the United States Army. All at age 18.
  • In the Army

    Poe does well and attains rank of sergeant major at age of 19.
  • Mrs. Allan dies

    Edgar returns home.
    Poe and John Allan temporarily reconcile their differences.
    Poe applies to West Point, John Allan sponsors him.
  • Kicked out.

    Poe deliberately gets kicked out of West Point. Becuase Mr. Allan chooses not to support him anymore.
    22 years old.
  • Starts writing

    Poe submits a number of stories to magazines. They are rejected.
  • Mr. Allan dies

    Edgar gets nothing in his will.
  • Enters contest

    Poe wins a contest for "The Manuscript Found in a Bottle".
    Because of the contest, Poe finally gets a job.
  • Edgar gets married

    Edgar Poe marries his cousin Virginia in May. She is 13. He is 27. Their marrige was more like a brother/sister connection. Their marrige was never to be belived to be
  • The Fall of the House of Usher.

    Poe writes "The Fall of the House of Usher".
    "Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque", Poe's first volume of short
    stories, is published. He receives no money from the publisher
  • Moves back to New York.

    Poe moves back to New York City.
    Thousands were deceived by Poe's story, "The Balloon Hoax".
    Poe writes "The Purloined Letter".
  • The Raven.

    Poe writes "The Raven".
    Poe was working 14 hour days but still couldn't make a living.
    His alcoholism and gambleing is getting worse because he is unhappy with the amount of money he is making.
  • Virginia Dies.

    Poe's wife, Virginia, dies from tuberculosis on January 30
  • Trys to stop drinking

    Poe joins the "Sons of Temperance" in an effort to stop drinking.
    Poe lectures on "The Poetic Principle".
  • Poe is found half conscious and is taken to a hospital.

  • Edgar Allan Poe dies

    At the age of 40