Edgar Alan Poe

  • Birth

    Edgar Poe was bornon Junuary 19, in Boston, Massachusetts
  • A rich family

    When his mother died a rich family adopted him
  • His works

    -His enlistea in the U.S. Army
    -He publiched a forty-page booklet called Tamerlane and other poems, wich ultemately prove a failure.
  • His Hobby

    -He published Poems by Edgar Allan Poe
    -Began to submit short stories to magazines
  • His prize

    Edgar recived a prize or his works entitled "Ms. Found in a Bottle"
  • Moving

    Poe married, virginia and moved to Richmond
  • The work

    -His stopped working at the magazines
    -His moved to New York City, then to Philadelphia
  • The collection of stories

    Poe published a collection of stories
  • The new genre

    Poe started a new genre of detective fiction
  • Good moment

    -His won a literary prize for "The Gold Bug"
    -He also published a short story called "The tell-Tale heart"
  • The bad moment

    -Poe's wife became ill and died
    -He was devastated by the loss of his wife and started abusing alcohol
  • Sadness

    Poe was found delirious on the streets
  • His Death

    He died. The actual cause of the death was never determined. Possible causes of his death:
    -Acute alcohol poisoning