Born on Mer, the son of Robert Zezou Sambo and Annie Mabo of the Piadaram clan. Because his mother died in childbirth, he was adopted under customary law by his uncle Benny Mabo and aunt Maiga. -
Married Bonita Nehow
Becomes a Secretary
Positioned as a secretary at the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advancement League (ATSIAL) -
Helps organize a seminar called "We the Australians" in Townsville... -
Resigned from ATSIAL
He believes some members are insincere and "do-gooders"
In the same year he also becomes the president for all the black council for the rights of Indigenous people... -
Prevented from entering Mer
Mabo is disallowed from entering the island of Mer to visit his dying father. -
Goes to University
Studies the Diploma of Teaching at James Cook University... -
First Land Rights case begins
Queensland Coast Islands Declatory Act
This Act was ruled to the Hight Court to the Commonwealth Racial Discrimination Act in 1988... -
Eddi "Koiki" Mabo dies.