Edad Media

  • 476 BCE

    Edad Media

    Edad Media
    The Middle Ages or the Middle Ages is the historical period of Western civilization between the 5th and 15th centuries. Conventionally, its beginning is located in the year 476 with the fall of the Western Roman Empire and its end in 1492 with the discovery of America,1 or in 1453 with the fall of Constantinople, a date that has the singularity of coinciding with the invention of the printing press - publication of the Gutenberg Bible - and with the end of the Hundred.
  • 14 BCE

    Edad Media

    Edad Media
    New political forms also emerged in the Middle Ages, ranging from the Islamic caliphate to the universal powers of Latin Christendom (Pontificate and Empire) or the Byzantine Empire and the Slavic kingdgnom
  • 14 BCE

    Edad Media

    Edad Media
    It is usually divided into two great periods: Early or High Middle Ages (v-x centuries, without a clear differentiation with Late Antiquity); and the Lower Middle Ages (11th-15th centuries), which in turn can be divided into a period of fullness, the Full Middle Ages (11th-13th centuries), and the last two centuries that witnessed the crisis of the 14th century.
  • 144

    Edad Media oscura

    Edad Media oscura
    The term "obscurantism" was originally intended to refer to the entire period between the fall of Rome and the Renaissance; The term "Middle Ages" has a similar motivation, implying an intermediate period between Classical Antiquity and the Modern Age. In the 19th century, scholars began to recognize the achievements made during the period, thus questioning the image of the Middle Ages as a time of darkness and decadence.
  • 476

    Edad Media

    Edad Media
    In European historiography, the dark years is a pejorative terminology that refers to the period that includes (approximately) 476 to 1492. This concept of a time of darkness was created in the 12th century by the Italian scholar Francis Petrarch, and was originally intended as a criticism of the lack of character in late English literature.
  • Jan 28, 1132

    Llances de foc

    Llances de foc
    "Fire lances," gunpowder-fired arrows, were used in China at least as early as 1132. The first documented account of gunpowder-powered artillery being used on the battlefield is from January 28, 1132, when General Han Shizhong of the Song Dynasty used climbs and huochongs to capture a city in Fujian. There are mentions of iron bombs thrown by hand, with slings and catapults in 1221.
  • 1200

    Edad Media

    Edad Media
    The Middle Ages were an age with many dangers, religious beliefs and much more, but above all there were many selfish and bloody wars. There were wars that did not do as much damage as others but they did damage. one of the ages that the middle ages had the worst time was the middle ages
  • 1248

    Com es defenien ?

    Com es defenien ?
    During the siege of Seville in 1248,[citation needed] the Muslims used cannons defensively in al-Andalus, as well as during the siege of Niebla in 1262, where it was reported that the Almohad defenders used machines that ejected stones and fire accompanied by thunderous noises.
  • 1326

    Armes que Usaben

    Armes  que Usaben
    Cannons in the Middle Ages were huge tube-shaped firearms, designed to fire a heavy projectile over a great distance. They were used in China, Europe and the Middle East and are the archetype of modern artillery. As early as 1326, the city of Florence had cannons, while, in 1327, the castle of Gassino Torinese, near Turin, was equipped with firearms.1 The first cannon in Europe probably appeared in Moorish and Christian Iberia. .
  • 1539

    Edadat Media

    Edadat Media
    Towards the end of the Middle Ages, the development of cannon revolutionized siege tactics throughout Europe, causing many castles considered impregnable to be threatened by artillery fire. Before the spread of artillery throughout Europe, when building the walls of a castle the greatest possible height and thickness were sought. However, after this revolutionary weapon was imposed, these two factors would be insufficient to contain a determined attacker.