Ed Tech Timeline

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    Ed Tech Timeline

  • iPad invented

     iPad invented
    The iPad was created in 2010. It was a stepping stone created by the company Apple. It earned a lot of recognition.
  • Instagram is born

     Instagram is born
    Instagram is an app that was created in 2010. The app was made to be better than Facebook. It rose to popularity
  • Chromebooks are created

     Chromebooks are created
    Chromebooks were created by Google in 2011. This was the first generation of computers. They were hot on the market because the computers were updated and new.
  • iMessage makes life easier

    iMessage makes life easier
    iMessage was created in 2011. It allowed people who has iphones to figure out if people read their text messages or not. If your message went through, it would be blue.
  • Minecraft takes off

    Minecraft takes off
    Minecraft was created in 2011. A lot of kids started playing it and still is today. Minecraft is a well known game.
  • Snapchat is created

     Snapchat is created
    Snapchat was created in 2011. It is an app that allows you to make friends from anywhere. It is a popular app today
  • Xbox and Playstation is a new tool

    Xbox and Playstation is a new tool
    The creation of Xbox and PlayStation was a pivotal moment for young kids. It allowed them to play video games and play each other online. Today there are more up to date versions of the game systems.
  • Carplay is invented

    Carplay is invented
    Car play was created in 2014. It made it easier to call your contacts and send texts while driving. Car play is in almost all vehicles today.
  • Apple watch flourishes

    Apple watch flourishes
    The Apple watch was created in 2015. It hit the market and rose to stardom because it was an advanced watch. You could make calls and texts.
  • TikTok is the best new app

     TikTok is the best new app
    Tiktok was created in 2017. It is one of the most popular apps of all time. People of different ages and sizes use the app.
  • Creation of Xbox Controller Adapter

    Creation of Xbox Controller Adapter
    This tool was an essential for people who play the Xbox. It allowed people to properly play the game. It also made their game experience easier.
  • Video Streaming becomes a new tool

    Video Streaming becomes a new tool
    Video Streaming took a big leap when it launched in 2019. It made it easier for people to watch tv shows and movies through apps. People really don't use cable now because of these apps.
  • Advancement of Video Calls.

    Advancement of Video Calls.
    In 2020, COVID hit the world and caused every one to go remote. This allowed the development of apps such as Zoom and Google Meet to expand.