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Ed. History & Sociology

  • Jamestown

    First permanent English settlement in the Americas.
  • New England Primer

    The first American textbook is published. The book promoted literacy and theology.
  • A New Nation

    The average American spends only 82 days in school.
  • Guaranteed Education?

    Thomas Jefferson drafts a proposal to guarantee three years of education for all children. It failed, but he continued to strive for public education.
  • Blue-Backed Speller

    Noah Webster publishes a speller to differentiate American English from British English.
  • McGuffey Readers

    Textbooks designed for schoolchildren on the Western frontier.
  • Period: to

    Horace Mann

    Horace Mann is elected to the new post of Secratary of Education in Massachusetts. During this time, educational spending doubles.
  • Riot!

    Philadelphia Bible Riots break out between Catholics and Protestants. Should Catholic schoolchildren be forced to learn in a Protestant school system?
  • Desegregation?

    90 African Americans sign a petition asking the Boston School Committee to desegregate schools.
  • Desegregation

    Massachusetts law abolishes segregation in schools.
  • Period: to

    Civil War

  • Emancipation Proclamation

    President Lincoln frees the slaves.
  • Numbers

    7.6 million students in the US.
    $63 million for education.
  • Numbers

    12.7 million students.
    $141 million for education.
  • Period: to

    The New Colossus

    22 million immigrants come to the United States
  • I pledge allegiance...

    The pledge is first used in a public school.
  • Segregation

    Supreme Court upholds seperate but equal.
  • Numbers

    50% of US kids attend school
    5 years is the average span of education
    6% graduation rate
  • The School and Society

    John Dewey proposes child-centered learning.
  • English

    President Teddy Roosevelt urges English-only education.
  • Period: to

    The Great War

  • IQ

    Psychologist Lewis Terman at Stanford University popularizes the IQ test.
  • Numbers

    $1 billion is spent on education
    There is a 17% graduation rate
  • Child Labor

    FDR passes a law that limits many forms of child labor.
  • Life Adjustment Education

    Schools begin teaching practical lessons on family life, hygiene, and health.
  • Numbers

    3/5 students graduate and half of those go on to college.
    17 states have segregation laws.
    Mexican-Americans average only 5.4 years in school.
    74% of disabled children don't attend school.
    14% of Afro-American students attain a HS diploma.
    Less than 1% of women pursue law or medical degrees.
  • Educational Wastelands

    Arthur Bestor publishes his book, Educational Wastelands, which is highly critical of declining standards in education.
  • Brown v Board of Education

    Supreme Court decides that "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal."
  • under God

    The words "under God" are added to the pledge of allegiance.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Nine Afro-American students begin attending an all-white high school.
  • NDEA

    National Defense of Education Act provides funding for all levels of education.
  • Civil Rights Act

    LBJ signs a law that guarantees Fourteenth and Fifteenth Ammendment rights.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    President Lyndon Johnson, a former school teacher, provides unding for schools.
  • Bilingual Education Act

    Title VII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act provides funds to establish educational programs for students with limited English speaking ability.
  • Bussing

    School districts bus students to desegregate.
  • Title IX

    Gender discrimination is outlawed in schools.
  • Lau v Nichols

    Supreme Court upholds bilingual education. $68 billion are allocated for bilingual programs.
  • Bussing ends

  • Spanish Harlem

    East Harlem schools experiment with alternative schools within schools, called The Choice.
  • Equality extended

    Schools are open to nearly 3.7 million students with disabilities.
  • Numbers

    Graduation rate is over 85%.
    51% of Afro-Americans attain a HS diploma.
    About 30% law and medical students are women.
  • A Nation at Risk

    A report commissioned by President Ronald Reagan declares a poor state of American education.
  • Core Knowledge

    E.D Hirsch develops the Core Knowledge Foundation, which offers a standardized curriculum for all students.
  • Milwaukee Vouchers

    Wisconsin passes the country's first school voucher system legislation.
  • Choices

    New York allows parents to choose the school for their children.
  • Privatization

    Baltimore hires a private company to manage schools.
  • Cleveland Vouchers

    Religious schools are allowed school vouchers.
  • Private Charter Schools

    EAI signs a contract with Arizona to operate a dozen charter schools.
  • Money for Charters

    Congress approves $80 million to construct new charter schools.
  • Columbine massacre

  • Channel One

    1/4 of secondary schools show Channel One.
  • Numbers

    47.8 million students are enrolled in public education, which is almost 90% of all children in the US.