Period: to
The Colonial Period
(GA 1) The Colony of Georgia Established
Georgia's history starts on this day. February 12th, 1732, Georgia was established by James Oglethorpe and Trustees from Britain. Georgia was the last of the 13 colonies to be established. King George II was who granted the charter to James Oglethorpe and the other trustees. -
(US 1) Molasses Act of 1773
(GA 2) Battle of Bloody Marsh
The Battle of Bloody Marsh was when the Spanish attempted to invade Georgia. This was a royal victory. The Battle took place on St. Simons Island in Georgia. The battle was over control of sea routes. This event was an important win for Oglethorpe as the Spanish troops had been a large threat. This event was considered the "last major offensive into Georgia." Sweet, Julie. "Battle of Bloody Marsh." New Georgia Encyclopedia -
(US 2) The Revolutionary War
(GA 3) Independence from British during American Revolution
On July 4th, 1776, Georgia declared independence from Great Britain, along with the other colonies. The declaration of Independence was finished on this day, as the continental congress signed to pull away from the British ruling. This is a significant even because this day is celebrated yearly and known as the "4th of July". -
(US 3) Treaty of Alliance
France joins the U.S. during the Revolutionary War through the Treaty of Alliance. -
(GA 4) Siege of Savannah
This was an important event because it marked the second battle that occurred in Savannah. This was the attempt to retake it back from the British who captured Savannah a year prior. This was a failed attempt to recapture the city. -
(US 4) Americans suffer worst defeat in revolution.
(GA 5) American Revolution in GA Comes to an End
This was an important Georgia history moment because it marked the day of the final evacuation in Savannah. The British left on their own accord on July 7th, 1782. -
(US 5) Revolutionary War Comes to an End with Articles of Peace
(GA 6) Constitution in Ratified
On January 2nd, 1788, Georgia becomes a state after ratifying the United States Constitution. The Constitutional Convention occurred in 1787 where it was signed. This is an important day because it marked the first southern state to do this as well as the day Georgia becomes a state. -
(US 6) Fugitive Slave Act is Passed in the United States
(GA 7) The Cotton Gin
On November 16th, 1793, Eli Whitney created the Cotton Gin in order to more efficiently clean the seeds out of cotton, which decreased the amount of processing time for cotton. This is an important event in Georgia because an increased demand occurred for slaves when the slaves were beginning to be freed because of the less demand for cotton. -
Period: to
The Antebellum South Era
(US 7) The First United States Mint Cornerstone
(GA 8) Gold in Georgia
On August 1st, 1829, Gold was documented to be discovered in Georgia. Due to the findings of gold, there became an increase of people looking to find gold and become rich. This affected the lives of the Cherokee Indians as they were driven out of their homes by people looking for gold. -
(US 8) Panic of 1837 Financial Crisis
A major depression which lasted for years. -
(GA 9) Terminus
On October 5th, 1837, Atlanta was founded as the terminus of western and Atlantic rail road lines. It was originally called Marthasville after the governors daughter, but renamed Atlanta after the Atlantic Ocean. This was an important event because of the founding of the terminus, Atlanta. -
(US 9) Seminoles in Florida relocated
(GA 10) Trail of Tears
On October 25th, 1838, started the treacherous journey for many Cherokee Indians. The Trail of Tears was the journey they followed as they were removed from their homelands (GA) and forced to move to a new area known today as Oklahoma. This is an important event in GA because the North Georgia Mountains were home to many Cherokees. The suffering the endured on this trail is unimaginable, and many died along the trail. -
(US 10) Abraham Lincoln is Elected as United States President in 1860
Period: to
The Civil War Era
(GA 11) Georgia's Secession from the Union 1861
Abraham Lincoln was known for his "Anti-Slavery" campaigns. After his win and election in 1861, the south wanted to consider secession. Due to the decision made, Georgia was deemed a confederate state in the Civil War. -
(US 11) 1864 Election
Abraham Lincoln was re-elected as President of the United States of America in 1864. -
Period: to
The Reconstruction Era
(GA 12) Freedman's Bureau
On March 5th, 1865, the Freedmans Bureau was created. The purpose of this organization was to benefit slaves. Slaves who were on their way to freedom used this organization to learn about rights and freedoms. Slaves were a major part of Georgia, which is why this was an important mark in Georgia history. -
(US 12) General Lee surrenders to Ulysses S. Grant.
(US 13) African American Men Granted Right to Vote in Washington, D.C.
This passed despite Andrew Johnsons VETO. -
(GA 13) GA Constitutional Convention
On December 9th, 1867, The Georgia Constitutional Convention was held. Many Blacks voted in favor of a convention to chose the delegates since there was a major boycott by the white men. This was an important event because of the preparation of control since GA was under form military control. -
(US 14) 1868 The Southern States get Readmitted into the Union
(GA 14) The Camilla Massacre
A mass lynching occurred on September 19th, 1868 in Camilla, Georgia. White people attacked black politician and supporters. This is an important Georgia event because of the act carried out by white supremacists in Georgia. -
(US 15) 15th Admendment
The 15th amendment is ratified. -
(GA 15) Redemption Era
Georgia took part in the Redemption era that began on December 6th, 1870. This was a power exchange back to the confederacy generals and war leaders. -
(GA 16) Populist
Thomas Watson organized a party called the Populist Party. It was an invitation for Blacks to join and cooperate. This is an important event in GA because it helped strengthen the efforts. -
(US 16) Presidential Election
Grover Cleaveland is elected President of the United States of America. -
(GA 17) Atlanta Compromise Speech of 1895
On September 18th, 1895 and the Cotton States Exposition, Booker T. Washington gave a speech. During the speech, Booker T. Washington offered a peaceful exchange between blacks and whites, and asking whites to trust blacks. This is an important even in Georgia because it occurred in Georgia at the Cotton States Exposition. -
(US 17) Plessy V. Ferguson at Supreme Court
U.S Supreme Court rules separate-but-equal facilities. -
(US 18) The Niagara Movement
(GA 18) Atlanta Race Riot
On September 22nd, 1906, white men killed black families. This happened in Atlanta, GA. White men were uncomfortable with the power Blacks were beginning to hold. This is an important event in GA history because it occurred in Atlanta after heated men about the Niagra Movement. -
(GA 19) Hartsfield
On October 5th, 1925, Hartsfield Airport was established. The airport is named after William Hartsfield. This is a major part of Georgia History due to it still standing today. It has progressed immensely as its now a major US airport. -
(US 19) 1926 Air Commerce Act
An act passed by congress -
(GA 20) Talmadge
On November 6th, 1932 Eugene Talmadge was elected as governor of Georgia. Against the New Deal, he fought them from happening. Eugene Talmadge was a governor of Georgia who played a major role in GA history. -
(US 20) Roosevelt is President
On November 6th, 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt became president of the United States of America. -
(US 21) US Congressional Committee Head by an African American
(GA 21) Atlanta Negro Voters League
On July 7th, 1949, The Atlanta Negro Voters League was an organization founded to help Blacks vote. This included educating them, providing transportation, and give them the chance to vote. This organization took place in Atlanta, which is why I chose to add this important league. -
Period: to
The Civil Rights Era
This was a supreme court ruling about bus segregation in Alabama. It was deemed illegal. -
(GA 22) SCLC
On January 10th, 1957, the SCLC or Southern Christian Leadership Conference was founded. This took place in Atlanta, GA and Martin Luther King, Jr. served as the organizations first president. Taking place in GA and serving as a major part of the Civil Rights Movement, I chose to add this event. -
(US) *Extra* President John F. Kennedy Elected President
(US 23) CORE
The CORE organization attempted to de-segregate the bus lines in 1961. -
(GA 23) Albany
On October 5th, 1961, the Albany movement began. This was a movement to attempt the desegregation of GA. This event happened in GA and is important part of history due to its efforts of desegregation. -
(GA 24) Savannah's Desegregated
In Savannah, GA on October 1st, 1963, city leaders were forced to desegregate all facilities in Savannah. City leaders were pushed and pushed by the NAACP to desegregate. This is an important part of GA history as Savannah was progressively moving forward. -
(US 24) Assassination of John F. Kennedy
(GA 25) Augusta Race Riot
On May 12th, 1970 in Augusta, Georgia, a race riot occured. This event took the livers of 6 black people. Five of the killed were killed by cops. This was a tragic event that happened in GA, which is why I chose to include it. This was a collective rebellion. -
(US 25) Nixon Pardoned
Watergate scandal.