Economy Timeline

  • Trade

    Trade since 2007<a Since 2007, the foreign trade import and export rates have fluctuated in a way that has eventually lowered the trade balance over time (due to importing more than exporting). By getting more than we are sending out, our debt increases due to the heavy costs of what countries our importing and the lack of selling what we have to export.
  • Budget Mortgage Crisis

    Budget Mortgage Crisis
    Mortgage crisis
    The Mortgage Crisis was a nationwide banking emergency during the recession of December 2007 .It was caused by a large decline in home prices, leading to mortgage foreclosures. Declines in residential investment increased the recession and followed by reductions in household spending and then business investment.
  • North American Trade

    North American Trade
    The automotive industry crisis was a part of a global financial downturn. The crisis affected European and Asian automobile manufacturers,Primarily affected the American automobile manufacturing industry. The automotive industry was weakened by a substantial increase in the prices of automotive fuels linked to the 2003-2008 energy crisis.
  • Budget Plan

    Budget Plan
    Obama Plan
    This was before Obama was sworn in, and so it was his plan for spending decisions.
    Right before Obama was sworn into presidency, he had a plan to deal with the greatest budget deficit in history. He was going to create jobs to try to help with the deficit. Although he knew it would make it worse at first, he thought that it had to get worse before it could get better.
  • Leadership

    Leadership problems
    Corruption throughout the world has been a problem in the past but because the issue has continued to worsen, it has gotten out of hand by 2015. Some of the unsolved problems that still remain are global warming, violence, failure of the global economy. World leaders have had difficulty working together to solve universal problems.
  • Savings thrift plan

    Savings thrift plan
    Savings plan
    The Thrift Savings Plan that has been established since 1986 had 4.6 million participants. The plan was put in place as part of the Federal Employees Retirement System to define a contribution plan for civil service employees, retirees, and member of the uniform services.
