The Great Recession
Result of boom of economic demands it allowed poorer trade countries like China to trade with more affluent countries therefore increasing the poorer countries economy. This also means that our trade with richer countries decreased which meant poorer countries like China and Mexico could have better trade than us.
The deficit area is trade.
It is a result. https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/RL30354.pdf
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Recession -
The Great Recession Pt.2
The recession made a major effect on retirement plans and unsure of children's futures. During this time in America the stock market went down and housing prices went down. Also during the recession unemployment rates went way up causing people to not get jobs.
Deficit Area: Savings
http://www.apa.org/pi/families/resources/economy.aspx -
American Recovery Reinvestment Act
The ARRA also known as The Stimulus provides tax cuts and federal funds to create new jobs, as well as saving already existing jobs. Additionally, it encouraged a spur economic growth.
Deficit Area: budget
Fiscal Policy
http://www.ffis.org/arra -
Obama care was passed in 2009 and became a law in 2010. The senate passed the bill by a 60-39 vote and that happened in 2010. This act made long term effect for those who have Obama care.
Deficit Area: leadership
Fiscal Policy
http://www.apihealthcare.com/blog/healthcare-trends/leadership-and-clinical-challenges-with-the-affordable-care-act-aca -
Obamacare pt 2
Obama care made a huge effect on the U.S economy. There are a lot of people that are depending on Obama care to help them stay healthy. In 2015 1 out of 6 american people got health insurance for 100 $ less and 87% of people got the health insurance.
Deficit Area: budget/savings
Fiscal Policy
http://www.heritage.org/research/projects/impact-of-obamacare -
Government Shutdown
The government shutdown over the Congressional budget standoff. According to White House Office of Management and Budget report, the cost of furloughs in lost productivity alone added up to $2 billion.The Council of Economic Advisers estimated that the shutdown resulted in about 120,000 private sector jobs being created in just the first two weeks of October.