Savings: The roigins of the Financial Crisis
SavingsThe financial crisis in 2008 was caused in a large part by irresponsible mortgage lending in the USA along with loans being given out left and right to people who struggled to pay them back to banks. People spent too much and were trapped in a debt and banks gave out so many loans that they didn’t have enough money in reserves to keep up with the crisis. This falls under the monetary policy. -
Savings: Not Saving Enough for College
Parents don’t have enough personal savings to pay for college due to the fact that house incomes have stagnated which college tuition has only increased. Also, due to the rising prices of every other aspect of daily life, like internet access and cellphone usage fees, parent’s just don’t make enough to save for their children. This falls underneath the result policy. -
Trade: U.S. trade deficit shrinks 15% in September as exports rebound
In September of 2015, the U.S. trade deficit declined to the lowest level since February of 2015. The trade deficit went down 15% to $40.8 billion from $48 billion in August. Exports rose 1.6% to $187.9 billion. Imports also contracted 1.8% to $228.7 billion. A big drop in oil prices sent petroleum imports down to $13.8 billion which is a drop of about 8%. -
Trade: U.S. Trade Defecit Surges as Exports Fall
In October of 2015, the trade deficit increased by 15.6% due to higher interest rates which have increased the value of the dollar. Since the value of the dollar has gone up, competition with other countries have decreased as they don’t want to trade with a country with a stronger dollar. This falls underneath the monetary policy.Trade -
Obamas 2016 Budget Proposal
Obama proposed a $4 trillion 2016 federal budget which comes with an $474 billion budget deficit. This 1-year plan will end up adding $8 trillion more to the national debt. And the deficit will rise to $687 billion by 2025. This falls underneath the fiscal policy. -
Leadership: Obamas Budget Proposal
Obama proposed a $4 trillion 2016 federal budget which comes with an $474 billion budget deficit. This 1-year plan will end up adding $8 trillion more to the national debt. And the deficit will rise to $687 billion by 2025.This falls under the monetary policy.