NBER States Recession Has Started
LinkNBER(National Bureau of Economic Research) states the recession has started but wasn't called recession until a year later. Balance -
Gold Price Surge
LinkGold prices surge to over a 1,000 an ounce for the first time ever. Gold is what the U.S Dollar is based on. Saving -
FDIC Increases Insurance on Bank Deposits
LinkAs part of the Federal bailout the FDIC increased the insurance on bank deposits from 100,000 to 250,000 until 2014. Increasing the amount people can withdraw. Savings -
American Recovery and Investment Act is Passed
LinkPresident Obama and the Congress pass the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, creating tax cuts and federal funds to create jobs, save jobs, and to increase economic growth. -
Health Care Reform Bill is Passed
LinkCongress passed the Health Care Reform Bill, in order to provide quality healthcare for all Americans. -
Death of Osama Bin Laden
LinkOsama Bin Laden is killed Seal Team Six ending the ten year hunt for Bin Laden. Budget (milltary)