Economy duct tape

Economy Project

  • Budget

    In 2003, the entitlement share of the budget was 44 percent, compared with 49 percent today.
    Without reform of these massive and growing programs, Washington will have to borrow increasing amounts of money, piling debt onto younger generations and putting the nation on a dangerous economic course. This is fiscal policy
  • Savings

    Twenty percent of respondents report that their spending exceeded their income in the 12 months prior to the survey. Sixty-three percent of respondents indicate that they saved at least some money in the past year. This is also a result.
  • Trade

    Singapore’s foreign direct investment into the United States reached nearly $20 million last year. Goods exports to Singapore totaled $28.7 billion in 2015, yielding a trade surplus of $10.4 billion—the sixth largest trade surplus for the United States. This goods surplus demonstrates that FTAs work and that U.S. economic well-being is inextricably linked to the Asia market. This is fiscal policy.
  • Budget

    In February 2015, SSA released the agency's FY 2016 Budget Request. For FY 2016, SSA is requesting $12.513 billion for administrative expenses. With the large number of Baby Boomers, the costs are expected to only increase. This is fiscal policy.
  • Leadership

    It would cost almost 2 trillion dollars and it fails to address the national debt; projected 86% by 2026. This is fiscal policy.
  • Budget

    The President’s budget proposals would make U.S. output larger over the next decade than it would be under current law—mostly by changing immigration laws. The economic effects would affect the budget in ways that would reduce deficits. This is result.