Economy et Development

  • Oct 29, 1500

    Fishing In the Saint-Lawrence Gulf Stream

    Fishing In the Saint-Lawrence Gulf Stream
    Fisherman from Europe came to the Gulf of Saint-Lawrence to bring back fish o France.
  • Champlains's Document

    Champlains's Document
    Champlain sent a document to the king of France the docuent hlped ways to make profit and cmake riches. The document also spoke about growing the population.
  • Company of 100 associates

    Company of 100 associates
    It was a company created for the fur trade. If they populated the new colony then they get the fur monopoly in return.
  • Mercantilism

    Mercantilism is a theory to organise a colony finacialy . The mother country takes the resources from the colony and sells back finished goods. It happen when you export more than you import.
  • Surplus Fur

    Surplus Fur
    This is when they decided to start to sell there surplus of fur. But transportation prices where high.
  • Triangular Fur trade

    Triangular Fur trade
    Jean Talon created the triangular fur trade between france and it's colonies. A big part of the growth of the traingular fur trade was due to Louisbourg.
  • Start of British Regime

    Start of British Regime
    The french regime ended in 1760 and the british took over New france.
  • Paper Money

    Paper Money
    Canadiens had a hard time getting their many rembourssed.
  • United States

    United States
    Because of the United states being created Canada lost entire area south of the Great Lakes.
  • Napoleon's Blockade

    Napoleon's Blockade
    Napolean's goal was to get all of Europe. So he made a blockade agisnt Great Britain. So Great Britain.came to or its timber supply in favour of maintaining its naval power.
  • More Commercial boats coming in

    More Commercial boats coming in
    Huge increase in amount of boats that came in threw the Saint-Lawrence.
  • Creation of The Hudson Bay company

    Creation of The Hudson Bay company
    It was a big player in the fur industry and it still exist today.
  • The Reciprocity Treaty

    The Reciprocity Treaty
    This treaty was a free trade treaty between Canada and the United State. It was for exports and imports of raw Material and Great Britain had to sign it for Canada.
  • Creation of Canadien Federation

    Creation of Canadien Federation
    New Brunswick and Nova Scotia agreed to join Ontarion and Quebec so that there was a railway that connects all of them.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    Because of the world war 1 ending there was a spike in the economy.Wich made people start to buy companies and invest. The company's started not doing as well black friday hit and stocks dropped so people lost their money.
  • Nafya

    It makes Canada, Mexico and United States all have a free trade agreement.
  • Destruction of Huronia

    Destruction of Huronia
    In 1649, The Five-Nations Iroquois destroyed all the villages belonging to the Huron's land.