European exploration
1- Start sailing west because of Eastern land routes are too dangerous
2- Hit NA but thought it was Asia, start basic trading with some aboriginal groups along the coast
3- Every summer these men would setup temporary camps on the shores and dried the fish that they would then take back to Europe -
Slash-Burn Agriculture
Make soil fertile by burning the wood
1- Cut down the trees
2- Burn the rest down
3- Great minerals for soil which leads to better crops
4- Becomes a field -
Collect as much wealth as possible and then colonizing territories with resources that the mother country can export. Then they will collect and transform the resources into final products then sell them back to the colony but the profit will stay in France -
Charter Company System
Company of 100 associates was offered a trading monopoly and each shareholder eceived a sum of money in exchange to populate the colony, but because of the war with Britain the Company suffered heavy financial losses and was unable to settle the territory -
Triangular Trade
Canada decided to trade its resources with the French colonies. They traded with Antilles and France because of mercantilism. -
Hudson Bay Company
Two coureurs de bois: Groseillier and Radisson decided to go to the Hudsons Bay to trade with a group of Aboriginals. They discovered really rich furs and went to the English and asked them to fund a maratime expedition to Hudson Bay in 1668 -
King Louis XIV
He dissolves the Company of 100 associates and sets up crown corporations (Dutch West India Company) and asserts his territorial claim in North America and all the companies were accountabel to him -
Height of the Empire
The French sent many exploratory expeditions around the Great lakes and further south,along the Mississippi and Ohio rivers. They then built trading post and forts on the banks of the main waterways, it was those settlements that served as warehouses and trade sites as well as military bases. -
Northwest Company
The Northwest company was created to compete against the Hudson Bay company but the fur demand declines and therefore they decided to merge with HBC in 1823 -
Naval Blockade
Napolean comes to power inFrance and sets up a naval blockade around Britain to blokc the mainland route to europe. It matters because Britain needs wood from Europe but they cant access it so they have to turn to BNA for resources and timber becomes a main economic resource. -
Bank of Montreal
First bank in British North America that allows access to credit, new jobs (lumberjacks, sawmills, shipyards) and opens up new territories but they also need for better transportation like : new canals, railroads and steamships -
Corn Laws
Stopped preferential treatment towards the British cereal merchants -
Navigation Act
Any merchant ship could have access to british Ports and it is shifting from Proctectionnism policy to a Free trade policy -
Dairy Rise
Dairyfarming increases dramatically in Quebec and the province will start to experience an increase in production of cheese and butter in factories and these factories will be located near railways to facilitate the transportation of the products -
First Phase of Industrialization
Urbanization occurred and everyone moved to the cities but the living conditions were terrible. There was poor sanitation, diseases and the workers were often malnourished which made for a high mortality rate. They decided to industrialize because craftsmen take too long and are too costly. -
Reciprocity Treaty
British North America signs a 10 year deal with the USA and now has access to duty/tariff free -
National policy
In 1879 John A. MacDonald's put in place a National Policy that had three main points.
- increase the protectionist tariffs (taxes on imported goods from other countries)
- expansion of railway networks (sell products)
- stimulate immigration -
Second Phase of Industrialisation
The second phase was primarily characterized by industrial sectors such as hydroelectricity and oil. It was severable favorable conditions that helped the second phase: natural resources, hydroelectricity, and an abundant workforce. The capital came mainly from the United States and they usually exported their products to the United States aswell. -
Confédération des travailleurs catholiques du Canada
CTCC was intially created to help workers during the Stock market crash. It was the catholic church that wanted to control unions aswell but at the same time wanted to preserve the french canadian culture and catholic faith -
Stock Market Crash
On October 29th, 1929 there was the New York Stock Market crash that caused a huge problem for BNA. The companies began to have a surplus of products which caused the prices to fall leading to the closing of some companies and leading others to bankruptcy. The number of unemployed workers was increasingly gorwing every day. -
Government Aid during Great Depression
The government took initiative and decided to introduce direct aid for the workers such as food stamps and they also established labour camps and adopted laws to support farmers -
War Production
The Canadian allies required them to supply them with foodstuffs as well as military equipment and this lead to the umemployment rate drop to nothing and women now started working in factories. The economic crisis dissapeared and there was an increase in the production of agricultural products -
Quiet Revolution
The Quiet Revolution happened during the 1960s and was characterized by the nationalization of electricity. The people of Quebec were able to control a key sector of their economy. People were also frustrated because they realized that Quebec was falling behind in education compared to the rest of the world. The people wanted 3 things :
1- Quebec government to intervene more
2- Modernize the educational system
3- Weaken the influence of catholic church -
Canada-United States Free Trade agreement
CUSTFA came into effect, eliminating almost all custom duties between Canada and the United States -
North American Free Trade Agreement
The treaty was renegotiated to now inlcude Mexico in their Free trade agreement. Its called the North American free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).