
  • Surg in Afghanistan War

    Surg in Afghanistan War
    Sending additional troops causing governement spending
    Budget Deficit
  • Obama's First Inauguration

    Obama's First Inauguration
    Leadership deficit
  • Affordable Care Act

    Affordable Care Act
    expanded medicaid, improved health care systems
    Saving deficit
  • Obamas Second Inauguration

    Obamas Second Inauguration
    leadership deficit - didn't change much about economy
  • Boston Marathon Bombing

    Boston Marathon Bombing
    mass government spending in order to provide for those affected and harmed - 333 million
    budget deficit
  • Home mortgage debt went up

    for the first time since the great recession in 2009
  • Government Shut Down

    Government Shut Down
    bad economic impact of when the govt. shut down and seized its workers
  • Ebola

    Government spent close to 1 million $ trying to cure the people effected by ebola
    trade deficit / budget deficit