
Andrew Taylor Economics Timeline

  • Period: to


  • Great Southwest Railroad Strike

    Great Southwest Railroad Strike
    200000 strikers went on strike in protest to unsafe working conditions. Although this only occured in a few states, it still had a large number of participants. The strike lasted about 6 months.
  • The Pullman Strike

    The Pullman Strike
    Workers facing 12 hour work days with cut wages decided to go on strike. Most of the turmoil took place in Chicago Illinois. by the end of the strike there was 250000 workers refusing ot go to work.
  • Great Anthracite Coal Strike

     Great Anthracite Coal Strike
    Strikers commit at an integral time, and nearly cause an energy crisis. Settling on a 10% wage increase the workers eventually went back to work before the heat crisis occured. The strike took place mostly in Pensylvania with around 147000 strikers.
  • Steel Strike of 1919

    Steel Strike of 1919
    After World War I, workers organized a strike due to poor working conditions. Nearly all of it occured within Pittsburg, Pensylvania. despite the effort of 350000 workers the strike accomlished nothing and the workers continued working.
  • Railroad Shop Workers Strike of 1922

    Railroad Shop Workers Strike of 1922
    400000 railroad workers go on strike to prevent a 7c loss in wages. This nationwide strike was very large scale, and caused many losses. The workers eventually settled on a 5c wage.
  • Textile Workers Strike of 1934

    Textile Workers Strike of 1934
    After many years of long hours and poor wages, textile workers began to go on strike. With poor planning the strike accomplished none of its original goals, and did more harm than good to the workers. The entire eastern seaboard were invovled in the strikes, with 400000 strikers, yet no compromise was met.
  • 1946 Bituminous Coal Strike

     1946 Bituminous Coal Strike
    On April fools day, a large strike was encouraged by the United Mine Workers of America. The goal was safer working conditions. The strike consisted 400000 strikers across 26 states.
  • Steel Strike of 1959

    Steel Strike of 1959
    As steel was flourishing in the United States,workers began to demand higher wages. With over 500000 strikers in the end the cause paid off and the wages to be recieved, The strike was nationwide and on a massive scale
  • 1970 US Postal Strike

    1970 US Postal Strike
    This strike began within New Yok city and eventually spread throughout the rest of the United States. There was around 210000 postal workers who went on strike. The strikers were mad because as postal workers; they were not allowed to engage in collective bargaining,
  • UPS workers strike

    UPS workers strike
    185000 Ups members went on strike. The workers were upset because they could not get full time wages. The nationwide strike casued over 600 million dollars in losses to UPS