Economic Timeline- China

  • Opium War of 1700s

    Opium War of 1700s
    China destroys British opium shipment after the Chinese government puts laws against users and smugglers. The open door policy allowed U.S an equal chance to trade with China. China has to pay for the destroyed opium, but many areas drained China of silver to pay for the opium. The U.S and other nations set the trade policies in China.
  • Revolution of 1911

    Revolution of 1911
    The revolution of 1911 declared itself a republic when the Qing Dynasty collapsed. At this time China had no well organized government. Civil War then raged out with many people claiming the right to rule china. The Civil Wars destroyed the farmland which began making the economy depressed.
  • Great Leap Forward 1958

    Great Leap Forward 1958
    In 1958 Mao released this program, in which he called on the Chinese to make a super-human effort to achieve modernization. This program simulated the economy, industry, and the agriculture. With this type of program the government provided for all peoples needs.
  • Four Modernizations of 1978

    China wanted to achieve wealth and power for China through economic reforms and freedoms. China's economy then boomed an industrial output rose. If he Chinese economy continues to expand China will have the second largest economy in 2022