The Pilgrims came to Plymouth rock. This impacted the economy because it began the American economy with trade. They revolutionized the Indian society through new practices of trade.
Source: www.shmoop.com/new-england-puritans-pilgrims/economy.html -
Benjamin Franklin Invents the Lightning Rod
Benjamin Franklin's invention of the lightning rod impacted the economy because it brought about electricity, which is a big part of economy today.
Source: www.wikipedia.com -
Louisiana Purcahse
The US negotiated the Louisiana Purchase for $15 million. This impacted the economy because by increasing the territory, it allowed for more resources.
Source: faculty.washington.edu -
Stock Market Crash
The stock market crash impacted the economy because it began the Great Depression, which was one of the most financially hard times in America.
Source: faculty.washington.edu -
The Worst of the Great Depression
The worst part of the Great Depression came about in 1931. This impacted the economy because 25% of people were unemployed.
Source: faculty.washington.edu -
Pearl Harbor
The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. This caused the US to declare war of Japan. The impacted the economy because we had to spend our money going to war. This also caused trade between the US and other countries to stop.
Source: faculty.washington.edu -
Hitler Declares War on the United States
Hitler declaring war on the United States impacted the economy because we had to spend money on fighting and sending troops into the war.
Source: faculty.washington.edu -
22nd Amendment
The 22nd amendant, stating that a president could not serve more than 2 terms, impacted the economy because each time there is a new president, it causes a shift in the economy.
Source: faculty.washington.edu -
Minimum Wage of $1 an hour
The minimum wage of $1 an hour was put into effect. This impacted the economy because it established a the minimum wage law which is still used today.
Source: http://www.dof.ca.gov/HTML/FS_DATA/LatestEconData/Chronology/chronology.htm -
Voting Age is 18
The lowering of the voting age had an impact on our economy because younger often times don't have the economic knowledge to make an informed decission about how our country should be run.
Source: faculty.washington.edu -
9/11 impacted our economy because it increased security with traveling, causing less people to want to travel.
Source: faculty.washington.edu -
Government Shut Down
The United States government shutdown impacted the economy because we were in so much debt that we had to shut down the government.
Source: www.wikipedia.com