Gutenberg's Printing Press
Gutenberg's printing press was a mechanical movable type printing press, and it was very important, because it allowed the spread of information. -
Cotton Gin
Eli Whitney created the Cotton Gin in 1793, which was important, because it reduced the time it took to remove the cotton seeds from the cotton fiber. -
Louis Braille invented raised dots, so that blind people could read through touch! -
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876, which completely increased communication! -
Electric Light bulb
Thomas Edison's electric light bulb was a "bright idea" that changed how homes were lit! -
Karl Benz invented the first automobile in Mannheim, which gave rise to new transportation! -
Wireless Telegraph
Guglielmo Marconi (wireless telegraph) and other inventors invented the telegraph, which allowed for faster communication around the world! -
The Wright Brothers invented the airplane in 1903. Eventually, people could fly all over the world! -
Alexander Fleming accidentally created penicillin, which began the use of antibiotics to treat bacterial infections. -
Interstate Highway System
Dwight D. Eisenhower encouraged the start of building an interstate system in 1956. It took about 35 years, and is about 48,000 miles in length. This was important, because it connected the entire United States and improved transportation. -
The Internet
Vinton Cerf, and Bob Kahn, along with many others invented the internet, which led to the information age.