Economic Consumer Timeline

  • Savings and Result: US housing market is announced to be failing

    Savings and Result: US housing market is announced to be failing
    Analysts announce that the US experienced the largest single year drop in home sales in the US in 25 years. People also began to lose their homes, due to the large amounts of loans they had and the unemployment rate rising, causing people to not be able to pay off their loans.
    It falls under the savings deficit since people were loosing their homes since people did not have enough in their savings account.
  • Budget and Fiscal: Bush proposes new budget

    Budget and Fiscal: Bush proposes new budget
    Bush proposed a budget that would reduce domestic spending, and increase tax cuts. This caused problems since many wondered how would the government now pay for health care programs, or retirement costs. This was also done during the 2008 presidential election, which led to the parties having to consider how they would handle future problems.
    This is fiscal, since it is gov policy, and is under budget since its Bush's budget.
  • Trade and Result: US stock market crashes.

    Trade and Result: US stock market crashes.
    US stock market crashed. One cause was congress rejecting bailouts because they didn’t have the money. The lowest the stock market dropped during the Depression was 90% and during 2008-2009 was 50%. In November the nation 3 big automakers asked for a bailout and were helped but people were still laid off. The unemployment rate reached 7.2%
    This falls under trade since the stock market is an international exchange.
  • Leadership and Fiscal: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

    Leadership and Fiscal: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
    The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was signed into law by President Obama, the purpose being to jumpstart the economy, save and create jobs, and to put a down payment on long-neglected debts that we faced. It would not be a fast road to recovery, but it was a start to get us going again.
    This falls under Leadership since the president created these policies and was the one leading the country out of the economic depression.
  • Fiscal andBudget Defecit: Bipartisan Budget Act

    Fiscal andBudget Defecit: Bipartisan Budget Act
    After Gridlock and threats of shutting down the government due to low funding, the Bipartisan Budget Act was passed by Congress. This extended the nation’s debt through 2017, set spending levels through September of that year, raised spending caps providing for $80 billion relief.
    This falls under fiscal and budget deficit since it is a plan to end debt and solve spending problems.
  • Budget and Fiscal: Election Topics

    Budget and Fiscal: Election Topics
    The Election, the Federal government is spending more to keep people informed. Also the Pentagon spends millions overseas cost the US money it could use for itself. Tax breaks for the wealthy puts more of the tax burden on the middle and lower class. The US has spent billions on terrorism since 2001. The rising cost of college stop people from attending.
    Budget because US is spending to much and Fiscal.