Economic and development

  • Chartered companies

    Chartered companies
    -Chartered companies were companies who had an exclusive right to the fur trade. In exchange, they needed to help develop the colony.
    -The merchant companies invested very litle in the settlement and economic development of the colony.
    -One of their only interests was to profit from the fur trade.
  • Jean Talon Mercantilism

    Jean Talon Mercantilism
    -Jean Talon set aside certain principles of mercantilism and established triangluar trade with France and its colonies in the West Indies.
    -The system allowed the colonies to sell their supplies and still be able to provide the mother country with raw materials.
  • Triangular trade reaching new heights

    Triangular trade reaching new heights
    -Triangular trade reached new heights due to the founding of Louisbourg.
    -It was a large commercial port that ships could enter all year round.
  • North-West Company

    North-West Company
    -It was a fur trade company.
    -It was creeated after the American Revolution.
    -It merged with the Hudson's Bay company in 1821.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    -Acording to this treaty, Great Britain gave areas south of the Great Lakes to the United States.
    -Merchants from Montreal were then deprived from fur.
    -Therefore, they founded the Northwest Company, which competed with the Hudson's Bay Company.
  • Blockade by Napoleon

    Blockade by Napoleon
    -There was a blockade by Napoleon in 1806 in which blocked the English from getting their timber.
    -Therefore, they started a timber indusrty in Quebec.
  • Fur trade in decline

    Fur trade in decline
    -Around 1810, timber exports from Lower Canada exceeded fur exports.
    -At that point, the fur industry started going downhill.
  • Protectionist policies

    Protectionist policies
    -In 1815, the United Kingdom introduces different protectionist policies that favoured the purchase of raw materials in the colonies to be able to supply the factories of the mother country.
  • Bank of Montreal

    Bank of Montreal
    -Creation of the Bank of Montreal to allow people to invest and obtain credit.
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    -The construction of Erie Canal in the Unites States threatened to change the fur industry and bring it to New York.
    -To make trade easier and to reduce the costs, the federal government were financially supporting private companies so that they can build transportation infrastructures in Quebec.
  • Agricultural crisis

    Agricultural crisis
    -In the 1830's, an agricultural crisis struck Lower Canda. The Canadiens fell to subsistence farming.
    -Poverty made thousands of farmers leave the country to look for work in cities (in Canada or the United States).
    -The production of wheat then dropped so Lower Canada started importing wheat.
  • The first railroad

    The first railroad
    -The first railroad route was built in 1836 connecting the South Shore of Montreal to St.Jean sur le richelieu.
  • British ended treaty with Canada

    British ended treaty with Canada
    -British ended its protectionist treaty with Canada. Therefore, Canada no longer had an alliance and needed to find a new one.
  • Reciprocity treaty

    Reciprocity treaty
    -Canada needed to find a new alliance with whom they could trade.
    -Canada made a treaty with the United States in 1854 so that they could trade freely with them.
    -This treaty only lasted for ten years.
  • Canadian federation

    Canadian federation
    -In 1867, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia joined the Canadian federation and promised to establish a railroad connecting them to Quebec's and Ontario's already existing railroad network.
    -The union of the four colonies created a market that promoted industrial development.
  • First phase of industrialisation

    First phase of industrialisation
    -During the first phase of industrialisation, all finished products were being produced.
    -The first manufacturing industries were being powered by coal and steem engines.
    -Many of the industries were located in Montreal
    -The working conditions were not ideal for the factory workers.
    -There was a lot of pollution, diseases and the factories were unsanitary.
    -It lasted until 1900
  • Second phase of industrialisation

    Second phase of industrialisation
    -During the second phase of industrialisation, non finished products were being produced.
    -The industrial manufactures were being powered by hydroelectricity.
    -The second phase of industrialisation lasted until about 1915.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    -The stock market crashed.
    -This happened because people were borrowing money from the banks and all of the sudden, the banks wanted their money back due to the fact that stocks were starting to dip.
    -Therefore, companies started going bankrupt.
  • World war II

    World war II
    -World war two got us out the the great depression because people needed to spend their money on weapons and food. Therefore, it got the economy back in motion.
    -World war two ended in 1945
  • Oil Crisis

    Oil Crisis
    -Oil crisis in the late 1970's and 1980's led to a recession.
    -Many government companies were privatised.
    -Many people got very scared because oil started to drop.
  • Period of recession

    Period of recession
    -In the 1980's, nations that were industrialized went into a period of recession. In Quebec, the primary and secondary sectors were hit hard with it. People lost jobs and people's buying power fell immensly.