Econ & Development

  • Oct 13, 1500

    First Occupants

    First Occupants
    For the first occupants, there were different types of production.
    For example, there was a trading system and a notion of ownership, like the barter system or the value of objects defined according to one’s needs.
    Another example is the trade network between families, groups, and the various tribes (for example maps, and potlach, or meat products for vegetablr products)
  • Period: Oct 13, 1500 to

    Economy and Development

  • (French Regime) Economy based on fur trade

    (French Regime) Economy based on fur trade
    There were effects of an economy based on the fur trade on the organization of society and territory.
    Insufficiently dense population required the Natives alliance to do the hunting.
    Exploration and enlargement of territory to search for more and more furs. New France was constantly expanding.
    Establishment of trading posts: foundation of the towns of Quebec and Three Rivers.
    (Had to support allied amerindians in battle)
  • (French Regime) Alliances and rivalries

    (French Regime) Alliances and rivalries
    There was also an impact of economic activity on alliances and rivalries.
    For example the alliances with certain aboriginal groups meant that the Europeans were at times pulled into Native conflicts and vice versa for the Natives who were pulled into battles for European control of resources.
  • (French Regime) Chartered Companies

    (French Regime) Chartered Companies
    There was a certain influence of the system of chartered companies on the organization of society and territory.
    There were 100 Associates
    The charted company system was based on privileges, which meant they were only allowed to be the only ones with right to the fure trade, and also obligations which they were supposed to administer and develop the colony.
    Impacts of the chartered company system on society and territory: Population was kept small and mostly male.
  • (French Regime) Economic Policies

    (French Regime) Economic Policies
    What is Mercantilism?
    It is a way of financial organization theory. European countries thought it was essential to possess as much gold as possible. You would need to get this by exporting more than you are able to import.
    NEW FRANCE: It started small but grew in size. Small population, Its sole purpose is to export natural resource back to France.
    13 Colonies: Remained around the same size. Much larger population focused on diverse farming like tobacco, cotton, indigo as well as fur trading.
  • (French Regime) Agricultural Activity

    (French Regime) Agricultural Activity
    Agricultural activity is the influence of agricultural activity on the organization of society and territory.
    Subsistence agriculture
    The planting is just enough to provide for a full family.
    There were attempts to diversify the economy by Jean Talon but they would fail. There was simply too much demand for the fur trade and not enough people with different skills to diversify
  • (British Regime) Economy based on fur trade

    (British Regime) Economy based on fur trade
    there was an impact of the fur-trade economy on the organization of the society and the territory.

    Fur-trade economy was passed into the hands of the English.
    Creation of the North-West Company (1783) after the American Revolution and merge with the Hudson’s Bay Company in 1821.
    Decline in the fur trade by the beginning of the 19th century.
  • (British Regime) Economy based on timber

    (British Regime) Economy based on timber
    The impact of the timber economy on the organization of the society and the territory was very bad.
    There was a blockade by Napoleon in 1806 and the rise in the demand for timber.
    There was even a creation of the Bank of Montreal in 1817 to allow people to invest and obtain credit.
    New jobs were created in this time.
    lumberjack, loggers, sawmills.
    There was a big improvement and development of transportations like in the canals, railroads and steamships.
  • (British regime) Beginning of industrialization

    (British regime) Beginning of industrialization
    Most of the origin of the capital money came from Britain.
    During the First Phase Industrialization in Quebec
    Alot of imigration to Quebec in late 19th century
    Skilled craftsmen using costly/time consuming methods like: Factories, first assembly lines, more efficient, dangerous, boring work.
    These first manufacturing industries were powered by coal/steam engines.
  • (British Regime) Population Changes

    (British Regime) Population Changes
    -National Policy favored immigration
    -From 1871-1901 Population of Quebec and Canadien rose 30-49%
    -Quebec Birth rate remains very high.
    -People were moving to urban centers, new unskilled labor demands
    -Better jobs in the USA, Ont, Western Cdn so we saw large emigration too.
    The rich lived well(servants, mansions, gardens) but most did not.
    -Pollution was everywhere, no piped water, poor sanitation, diseases were rampant, most of the working class were malnourished.
  • (Contemporary period) Exploitation of Resources

    (Contemporary period) Exploitation of Resources
    There was an impact of exploitation of resources on the organization of the society and territory.
    There was exploitation of resources by sector and by period, for example, the agriculture, forest, mining, hydroelectricity and others. Als,o natural resources are exploited like ore, pulp & paper.
    Source, of capital in different economic sectors.
    Birth of Crown corporations.
  • (Contemporary Period) Industrial development

    (Contemporary Period) Industrial development
    There were impacts of the industrial development on the organization of society and territory.
    There were several different phases during different time periods:
    - 1st phase (1867-1900)
    - 2nd phase (1900-1930) Extraction of natural resources
    - war period (1939-1945) World War II
    - post-war period (1945-1970)
    - since 1970 Hydroelectricity
    Source of capital was now from the USA
  • (Contemporary Period) Workers Demand

    (Contemporary Period) Workers Demand
    There was a big development of Unions, they were the first ever unions
    There was also a different nature of demands, like for the working conditions and living conditions
    There was alot of strikes and lockouts.
  • (Contemporary Period) Urban Expansion

    (Contemporary Period) Urban Expansion
    The impact of urban expansion on the organization of society and territory was that cities were developed, so concentration of services (transportation, Hospitals, and education), and infrastructures (like aqueducts and sewers)
    There was also a development of suburbs.
    And a rural exodus.
  • (Contemporary Period) Opening of new regions

    (Contemporary Period) Opening of new regions
    There was a big regional developement that happened to link to the development of different industries and also for the exploitation of resources. Some of the places are Abitibi, Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Mauricie, Cote-Nord, and Gaspesie.
  • (Contemporary Period) Economic Cycle

    (Contemporary Period) Economic Cycle
    The economic cycles caused a big impact on the organization of society and territory.
    The phases of economic growth were 1st and 2nd phase of industrialization, 1st World War, Roaring twenties, 2n World War and the Post-war period, Quiet revolution, positive effects of globalization
    There was also a phase of recession, which the economic crises was in1873-1879, 1929, The 30s, also the oil crisis of 1973, the recession since the years 1980 and 1990, and the negative effects of globalization.
  • (Contemporary Period) Economic Policies

    (Contemporary Period) Economic Policies
    The economic policies left an impact on the organization of society and territory.
    The Nationalist politics of MacDonald was made in 1878. It was called National Policy
    Three Main Points:
    -Increase Custom Duties: Protect and Promote Canadian Industries by ensuring Canadians bought Canadian goods.
    -Build Railways: The Canadian Pacific Railway was to run coast to coast, to unify people and to increase trade.
    -Encourage Immigration: Especially in Western Canada, bigger population = bigger market.

    What was the great depression?
    it was a crash in the stock market in 1929.
    How did it happen?
    People who were buying shares in companies borrowed money from the bank, but when debts were called in the stocks plummeted.
    What they called “Black Thursday” was the day the Stocks dropped below zero, business people were ruined, many people committed suicide because of this.
    The 1930’s are called the Great Depression because of this reason, because of the crash in the stock market.