Period: Oct 1, 1500 to
Econ and System
Oct 2, 1500
First Occupants
From 1500 to 1608 -
Oct 3, 1530
Organization and occupation of the territory
-The impact of economic activity on the organization of society and occupation of territory.
-Means of transportations: Canoes and Snowshoes
-Economic Role of Individuals (men=hunter, women=farmers, elderly watched after the children) -
Oct 3, 1560
Trade Network
The types of production according to different groups
-Trading system and notion of ownership
-Trade network between families, groups, and the various tribes (maps, potlatch) -
French Regime
From 1608 to 1760 -
Chartered Companies
-It is the influence of the system of chartered companies on the organization of society and territory (100 Associates)
-It's based on privileges (allowed to be the only ones with rights to the fur trade) and obligations (they were supposed to develop the colony) -
Mercantilism a way of financial organization theory….European Countries thought it was essential to possess as much gold as possible. You would accomplish this by exporting more than you import. Take in natural resources from colonies you had control over and sell finished goods. -
Mercantilism (cont.)
-New France => Started small but grew in size and small population. Sole purpose to export natural resources (furs) back to France.
-13 Colonies => Ramained the same size and a much larger population. Focused on diverse farming (tobacco, cotton, indigo) and also fur trading. -
Agricultural Activity
-Subsistenting agriculture: Planting enough to provide for the family.
-Attempts by Jean Talon to diversify the economy failed due to simply too much demand for the fur trade and not enough people with different skills to diversify. -
British Regime
From 1760 to 1867 -
Economy Based on Fur
-The English now own the economy of Fur-Trade
-(1783) Creation of the North-West Company. Later on merged with the Hudson's Bay Company in 1821.
-Decline in the fur trade by the beginning of the 19th century. -
Economy Based on Timber
-Blockade by Napoleon in 1806 = Rise in the demand of timber
-(1817) In order to allow people to invest and obtain credit, the Bank of Montreal was created.
-News jobs: lumberjack, loggers, sawmills.
-Improvement and development of transportation: canals, railroads, steamships. -
Opening of regions of colonization
The overpopulation of seigneuries led to the opening up of new regions.
-One of the causes of the development of new Regions is the Timber industry. -
Economic Policies
-Trade with Britain was going well until they end it's preferential/protectionist treatment with Canada. They establish free trade.
-So Canada signs a Reciprocity treaty with the US in 1854. -
Contemporary Period
From 1867 to Today -
Economic Policies Cont.
The National Policy was created by MacDonald:
Three main Points:
-Increase Custom Duties:
-Build Railways:
-Encourage Immigration. -
Industrial Development
Phases of Industrial Development
-1st phase (1867-1900)
-2nd phase (1900-1930)
-War Period (1939-1945)
-Post-War Period (1945-1970) -
Economic Cycles
The impact of economic cycles on the organization of society and territory.
-Phases of economic growth (1st and 2nd phase of industrialization, 1st World War, Roaring twenties, 2nd World War and the Post-war period) -
Economic Cycle Cont.
World War 1: Canada had to fight => Britain told so. =>Conscription Crisis (you are made to join the army) (French didn't want to fight)
World War 2: Canada went to war on our own accord => Women's increased participation => Conscription crises again (They never saw war) => Natural increase and immigration/Baby Boom -
Trade Agreements
Canada entered into trade agreements iwth the USA (The Free Trade agreement of 1988) and also Mexico (NAFTA sign in 1993).