
  • Antoine Lavoisier, discovered Oxygen and Carbon and their importance of living things.

  • Robert Angus Smith connected acid rain to air pollution

  • Ernst Haeckel coins the term ecology

  • Eduard Seuss defines the biosphere

  • Animal camouflage studied and described

  • Henry Chandler Cowles studies ecological succession

  • Ecological Society of America founded

  • The Dust Bowl crisis re-focuses ecology on practical land usage practices

  • Arthur Tinsley defines ecosystem

  • People first become aware of the harmful effects of pollution on ecological systems and on people.

  • Nature Conservancy is founded.

  • Eugene Odum, Howard Odum wrote the first ecology textbook and ecology becomes a university course.

  • Acid rain effects on lakes is discovered and studied by Harold Harvey

  • Conservation Biology established as a discipline focusing on environmental management

  • Scientists discover hole in the ozone over Antarctica

  • Water pollution seriously reduced due to new sewage treatment practices

  • Air pollution reduced in cities as unleaded gas and catalytic converters are used in autos