École Polytechnique Massacre - Marc Lepine

  • Gamil Rodirgue (Marc Lepine) was born in Montreal,

  • Gamil Rodirgue changed his name to Marc Lepine after mothers' death.

  • Applied to join Canadian Forces, but he was rejected during the interview process.

  • He started a science program at a college, switching to a more technical program after one year.

  • He dropped out of his final term, and was subsequently fired from his job at a hospital due to his poor attitude.

  • He began a computer programming course, and again abandoned it before completion.

  • Marc Lepine twice applied for admission to the École Polytechnique, but was not excepted.

  • Marc applied for a firearms-acquisition certificate.

  • Received his firearms permit in Mid-October.

  • Marc Lepine purchased an automatic rifle at a sporting goods store.

  • École Polytechnique Massacre