Period: Nov 10, 1483 to Feb 18, 1546
Martin Luther
Conrtibuted by translating the Bible into other languages so other can be educated, as well as advocating for reading to be apart of the childrens academics. The neccessity of school was to read.
The lasting impacts on ECE are that Martin Luther made it possible for world wide education, adult literacy, and teaching reading to all children. -
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John Locke
Believed all children were blank canvases, and that children become who they are based off their experiences.
His earlier contributon for ECE led to current early learning. Children become a reflection of what their teacher is teaching. Also forming children to our society. The programs have created differences in learning, and behavior. -
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Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Advocated for natural education for young children which encourage growth at the childs own ability. This theory has made it possible for teacers to teach children with learning materials that matches their develpmental levels and abilities. -
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Robert Owen
Belived that the childs environment plays a role in determining beliefs, behavior, and achievments. Also taught that educaton can build a new society, with education that is sensory based.
In our current education the childs environment can affect the child's education and can impact our society. His actions influenced the importanct of ECE and the childs enviroment will help build relationshipd and improve society -
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John Dewey
Developed education in the U.S that is still developing by his theory of progressivism. Focused on the children and their intrest instead of the topic, which is described as Child-centered Schooling. Dewey believe to live in the moment not the future. His actions have developed ECE to become and child centered education, to focuse on the childs interest. -
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Jean Piaget
Psychologist Jean Piaget developed Piaget's cognitive theory is that children learn experiences by being hands on. Piaget also though that intelligence was mental process that allows one to gain knowledge and that with intelligence children were able to adapt to their enovironment.
This theory enabled education to meet the needs of the childs development by being actively involved with the children and their activites. -
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Lev Vygotsky and Sociocultural Theory
This theory describes the development of language,mentality, and social skills.It was believed that through social interaction children develop in all aspect of learning and are driven to learn by experiences. This theory is used in our ECE by allowing ECC become and instrument for learning also known as scaffolding. Also, this theory has given ECCthe use mutltiple wat to teach. -
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Erik Erikson and Psychosocial Developement Theory
The Psychosocial Development Theory was developed by Erik Erikson and determined that "cognitive and social developement occur simultaneously and cannot be seperated." This helped early childhood educators understand the impacts that social experiences have on cognitive development and vice versa. Many children who are determined to struggle cognitively also have social development problems. Early childhood education should now equally incorporate social learning as it does cogintive learning.