• Johann Amos Comenius

    Johann Amos Comenius was the first person to write and publish a children's picture book. The book was called "Orbis Pictus" ("The World of Pictures") This book was to help guide teachers and to train the study and sense of nature.
  • John Locke

    John Locke published an essay that said that children are born with a clean slate, which means all experiences are written.
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau is known for his book called "Emile". In the book he showed and said that school should allow spontaneous activity and reflective goodness. It also said that kids should show their interests in school
  • Kinderganten

    Fredrick Forebel opened the very first kindergarten in Germany. Forbebel described the first Kindergarten As the "Child garden" with activities known as a "gift from God".
  • Robert Owen

    Owens set up an infant school in New Lanark, England. It was an instrument of social reform fro workers children and parents.
  • Social Reforms

    It was founded by Robert Owen. It was set up as an instrument for children, parents, and workers. The first one was created in New Larke Germany.
  • Maria Montessori

    Maria Montessori founded the Children's House in 1907, in a slum district in Rome. Then a few years later she developed an educational philosophy and program to guide a child's growth through common life experiences.
  • A. S. Neill

    A. S. Neill founded the Summerhill School in England in 1921. Which later becomes the model for the "free school" movement.
  • Nursery Schools

    Nursery Schools were founded by Patty Smith Hill, in 1925. It later became the National Association for Nursery Education (NENE). Then later became the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).
  • Rudolf Steiner

    Rudolf Steiner was an Australian philosopher, scientist, and artist. He gave many lectures to the Waldorf Education. These lectures started the independent movement because they influenced mainstream education in Europe. The Waldorf has more than 1000 schools worldwide because of this movement.
  • Sputnik

    After WWll a small piece of metal was released. This was the Sputnik, the Soviet Satellite. mIt was released in 1957
  • Johann Henrich Pestalozzi

    Johann Henrich Pestalozzi believed that good education enhanced/helped develop the child's senses. He also wanted to help not only the brain but the heart and hands as well. He trained teachers to guide self-activities that would make the kids exercise and help their senses
  • DAP

    The DAP stands for Developmentally Appropriate Practices. This states that the child's age, family and culture, and even the individual characteristics of a child should be defined and expanded on, in the next chapter of the child life.
  • Media and Technology

    Media and Technology was the introduction of technology into modern life. This includes many different things like Television, video games, iPads, phones, computers, and many other various kinds of technology. They wanted to introduce it to families and schools since it's here to stay.
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Froebel

    he created the first kindergarten, in Germany. He created/founded kindergarten because he wanted children under the age of six to be able to have an education as well.
  • High scope

    It was convinced to address the effects of poverty on children's development and to also put more attention to cognitive aspects of learning.
  • No Child Left Behind

    The No Child Left Behind, or Leave No Child Behind legislation was passed in 2002. This required all public schools that receive federal funds to authorize state testing. To improve school performance.
  • Standards

    The standards were created/established in 2010. This is the Common Core Standard, in ELA, and math in grades K-12. The standards could have been as significant as"Brown v. Board of Education changing all the directions of education for the years to come.
  • Head Start

    Head Start was created to raise the requirements of the education that the teacher has. This stated that at least one teacher needed to have a bachelor's degree in each classroom.