1943 BCE
Howard Gardner
Plays an important role in helping educations rethink the concept of intelligence. Has identified nine intelligences: visual/spatial, verbal/linguistic, mathematical/logical, bodily/kinesthetic, musical/rhythmic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, naturalist, and existentialist. -
1917 BCE
Urie Bronfenbrenner's
Looks at children development within the context of the system of relationship that form their own environment. -
1902 BCE
Erik Erikson
Developed his theory of psychosocial development. Children's personalities and social skills grow and develop with in the context of society and in response to society demands. -
1746 BCE
John Pestalozzi
Advocated that education should fallow the course of nature. Believed all education is based on sensory impression. Promoted the idea that the mother could best teach children. -
1712 BCE
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Advance natural approaches to child rearing. Felt that children natural unfolds as a result of maturation according to an innat time table. -
1632 BCE
John Lucke
He said children are as blank tablets or Tabula Rosa. Believed children's experiences determine who they are. Experience are the basic of all learning. -
1592 BCE
John Amos Comenius
Spent his life teaching school and writing text books. Considered the first picture book for children. Education should begin in the early years because that's when everything stays in your brain. -
1483 BCE
Martin Luther
Emphasized the necessity of establishing schools to teach children to read. Luther also translated the bible into German making the beginning of teaching and learning in peoples language.