Eating Kosher

  • Period: 1400 BCE to

    The Decrease in Kosher Eating

    During this time period, Jewish people cycled through various dietary bases based on what they could find, and sanitation because they didn't have much refrigeration. Therefore, they did not have much of a need for Kosher eating because they did not have much access to either meat or dairy.
  • 1312 BCE

    First Documentation of Kosher

    First Documentation of Kosher
    The first documentation of kosher eating was in the Torah, the Jewish holy book, in the year 1312, which said that Jewish people were never to eat meat and dairy together, as a command of their faith.
  • Kosher Meat Produced for Export in America

    Kosher Meat Produced for Export in America
    This was the first production of manufactured Kosher food, and was the first export of manufactured or mass-produced Kosher food in a factory, which created many new conveniences for Jewish people to eat Kosher and kept the tradition of eating Kosher alive.
  • American Kosher Cookbook Born

    American Kosher Cookbook Born
    This made Kosher cooking more simple and common because it taught families how to properly cook and eat Kosher meals, while still making things convenient and tasty, and added to the convenience and popularity of eating Kosher.
  • First Kosher Restaurant Opens

    First Kosher Restaurant Opens
    In 1905, the first Kosher restaurant opened in New York, which rose the popularity and awareness of Kosher, and educated the New York population on the Jewish faith and made people aware of New York expanding Jewish population at the time.
  • New York Kosher Legislation Introduced

    This was the first legislation introduced about keeping food Kosher and making sure that food could only be marked Kosher if it was approved. This meant more steadfast and reliable practices on making sure Kosher food was actually kosher for Jewish people, and prevented manufacturers from lying by creating a standard and requirements.