East Asia Geography Test

  • South Korea Postwar Division

    -North Korea occupied by USSR
    -South Korea occupied by USA
  • Japan Post-War Economy in Ruins

    -Solution: Industrialization!
    Export-oriented industrial economy
    -lots of cost savings - low wages
  • Period: to

    Japan Occupied by US

    -1945 lost colonial empire after WWII
    -colonies taken over by USSR
    -Reconstruction and Rehabilitation
    -1947 constitution enforced by US
    -Enforce democracy, economic liberalization, and military disarmament
    -Constitutional monarchy (democracy-ish; emperor has no power)
  • Period: to

    Chinese Nationalists Pushed to Taiwan

    -Communists beat nationalists in civil war after being united in WWII and push them to Taiwan (1949)
  • Period: to

    South Korea Authoritarian Government

    -3 military dictators; much political instability
  • Japan & Korea LDCs

    -High BR
    -low life expectancy
    -skewed sex ratio in S.K. b/c boys in war
  • Period: to

    Korean War

    -N.Korea invades S. Korea
    -First Hot War of the Cold Wars
    -Ends in cease fire
    -Division of Korea at 38* remains
  • Period: to

    Japan Economic Miracle Begins

    -Manufacturing of cheap consumer products
    -importation of foreign tech. (especially US)
    -Investments in infrastructure: transportation, communication, education, etc.
  • Period: to

    China Relative Peace

    -political stability
    -renewed agricultural activity: Mao's land redistribution policy popular w/ Chinese peasantry (communist regime)
    -food + peace = population growth = high BR, low DR, high TFR
  • US Leaves Japan

    -Still a little military presence
    -political stability
    -democratic political system, parliamentary representation, constitutional monarchy, no foreign or civil wars or coups
    -Strong alliance w/ US
  • Period: to

    North Korea Recent Political State

    -Remains authoritarian, nominally communist, isolated, and poor under 3 successive dictators
  • China's Great Leap Forward

    -Mao's aim is to use china's vast labor force supply to transform its traditional agrarian economy to a communist, industrial powerhouse
    -collectivization of land, Chinese farmed in large communes (group living)
    -gov't took responsibility for all aspects of economy - no wages paid
    -agricultural tools melted for iron and wood was used for fuel
    RESULTS: Grain shortage, floods and earthquakes, famine, high DR, IMR, 20-70M Deaths, low TFR
  • Mao Sidelined

  • Period: to

    South Korea Economic Miracle Begins

    -Manufacturing Cheap Consumer Products
    -State-Sponsored rapid industrialization plans & investment in infrastructure
    -State support of chaebols: large family-owned corporations
    -Tech. Importation
  • Period: to

    China Fleeting Stability

    -Communist leadership sidelines Mao, more practical approach to agriculture and industry
    -gov't ownership remains
    -communism replaces confucianism as way of life
    -TFR goes up
  • Period: to

    China Cultural Revolution

    -Cultural Revolution
    -Mao's back
    -mobilized young ppl (red guard) to stamp out remnants of capitalism, old ways of thinking
    -managers and intellectuals killed or sent to labor camps
    -caused economic, cultural, and educational crisis
  • Mao's BACK

  • Period: to

    Japan Mature Industrial Economy

    -Increasingly skilled, educated, middle-class produce high-value consumer products: cars, electronics, etc
    -Japanese corp. become TNCs
    -Invest in research and development = create, not import tech.
    -By 1990 3 sector economy w/ strong industrial base
  • Period: to

    South Korea Shift to Heavy Industry

    -Steel, heavy equipment, ships
  • Period: to

    China's Quiet Campaign - Moderation

    -Deng Xiaoping, Mao's rival, and a pragmatist, in charge
    -Economy in shambles from GLF and Cultural Rev.
    -CCP highlights importance of controlling pop. growth & economic development
    -Quiet Campaign: voluntary encourage "later, longer, fewer" - decreased BR and TFR
    -1978 Four Moderations
  • Mao Dies

    -Ruling since 1921
  • 4 Modernizations (DADI)

    -Modernize + expand industry
    -modernize agriculture
    -upgrade defense
    -develop science, tech., and medicine
  • Japan US economic competitor & Anti-Japanese sentiments arise

  • China One-Child Policy

    -BR going up - delayed effect of earlier baby boom
    -enforce abortions & sterilization
    -bonuses for 1 kid, penalties for more
  • Period: to

    South Korea Mature Industrial Economy

    -Increasingly skilled, educated, middle-class produce high-value consumer products: cars, electronics
    -Increasing investment in research and development = create, not import tech.
    -Major gov't sponsored educational investments and reforms
  • Period: to

    China Economic Liberalization

    -Deng rules- socialism w/ Chinese twist
    -agriculture decollectivized
    -Household Responsibility System: give agriculture stuff to gov't but keep extras to sell
    -private business licensed (still lots of state owned enterprises, SOEs)
    -First SEZs - special economic zones -> foreign investment pours in
    LATE 1880s
    -privatization of the state sector
    -restrictions on trade, prices & wages lifter slightly
    -dismantling of the welfare state (free healthcare, $ for homeless, etc)
  • Period: to

    South Korea Democratic Government

    -Prolonged struggle for democracy
    -New Democratic constitution adapted
  • Period: to

    South Korea MDC

    -TNCs proliferate
    -Heavy industry + 3 sector tech
  • Tiananmen Square Uprising/Massacre

    -started by college/youth (youth bulge)
    -want more political rights/democracy
  • Period: to

    Japan Lost Decade

    -Financial setbacks that typify MDCs
    - gov't deficits, bank crisis leads to recession
    -economic growth stagnates
  • Period: to

    Japan Renewed Growth + Global Recession

    -Leaders in technological innovations
    -International Finance + Banking
  • China Increases 1 Child Policy

  • Japan and South Korea are Stable, Functioning Democracies

  • China Today

    -Authoritarian state
    -GNI per capita increase a lot after 2000
    -moving towards MDC
    -comparatively large urban pop
    -large aging pop. -> dependency ratio skewed --> increase 1 child policy