Lisbon Earthquake (Portugal)
A 9M earthquake caused a 7m (23ft) tsunami that killed 20,000. This event is famous for being one of the first to be studied scientifically. -
krakatoa Eruption (Java, Sumatra)
The tsunami was caused by the mountain colabsing into the sea during the eruption. The tsunami had 35m (115ft) high waves, destroyed 165 villages and killed 36,000 people -
Aleutian Earthquake (Alaska)
This 8.1M earthquake killed 160 but had little effect on the Alaskan mainland. it mainly effected small islands and coastal towns. This event prompted the creation of the Pacific Tsunami warning center in 1949. -
Great Chilean Earthquake
This 9.5M earthquake killed 61 in Hawaii but took 15 hours to reach Hawaii from Chile. Scientists think this event was a mega thrust event. -
Good Friday Earthquake
This 9.2M was a mega thrust event that killed 130 in Alaska and California. The largest wave was recorded in Shoup Bay, Alaska, with a height of about (67m (220ft). -
Hokkaido Earthquake (Japan)
This 7.8M earthquake in the sea of japan killed 120 on Okushiri Island -
Papua New Guinea Quake
This 7.1M earthquake was not the event that triggered the tsunami, but it did cause an large underwater landslide that did generate a tsunami. The tsunami killed 7110 people during its rampage. -
Sumatra Eartquake (Indonesia)
This 9.1M earthquake killed 230,000 people across 14 country's.The wave was recorded as being 30m (100ft) high. $14 billion was given is aid to survivers. -
Somoa Earthquake (Somoan Isalnds)
A Dip-Slip event caused an 8.1M earthquake that generated a 14m (46ft) tall tsunami. This wall of water killed 200 people. -
Chile Earthquake
9% of the population of chile was effected by an 8.8M earthquake that caused a tsunami. The quake was felt as far as 1500 mi away. -
Tohoku Earthquake (Japan)
20,000 people were killed by a 9.1M earthquake that caused a tsunami. The tsunami went over sea walls and swamped the Fukishema Nuclear Power Plant, this causing a melt down that irradiated the surrounding area.