Earth's Geologic Timeline

  • Cambrian

    Earliest Marine Life, Triolobites dominant
    -hard-bodied animals that fossilized much more readily than their soft-bodied precursors. These included brachiopods, which lived in shells resembling those of clams or cockles, and animals with jointed, external skeletons known as arthropods—the ancestors of insects, spiders, and crustaceans.
  • Ordovician

    Earliest Fish who doesnt have a jaw
    - Earth's climate was warm and wet, with sea levels rising as much as 1,970 feet
    -hard-bodied arthropods started eyeing opportunities on land.
  • Silurian

    First plants
    Begain to grow
  • Devonian

    Armored Fish gets extincit
    -planet was changing its appearance
    -Age of Fishes, as it spawned a remarkable variety of fish
    -cartilaginous fish, so-called because cartilage formed their skeletons, later gave rise to sharks and rays
    -the bony fish, were covered in scales and had maneuverable fins and gas-filled swim bladders for controlling their buoyancy.
  • Trassic

    Tall trees begin to bloom
  • Jurassic

    Earliest birds,mamals and dinosaurs came to be
  • Cretaceous

    The last period of the Mesozoic Era, and spanning 80 million years, the longest period of the Phanerozoic Eon.
    -Was a period with a relatively warm climate, high eustatic sea levels
    -Extinct marine reptiles, ammonites and rudists and rudists while dinosaurs continued to dominate on land.
  • Tertiary

    -Age of the Mammals
    - the beginnning of the Tertiary Period was very warm and moist compared to todays climate
    -Palm trees grew as far north as greenland
    -In the middle of the tertiary, during the Oligocene Epochm, the climate began to cool.
    - The cooling continued and by the pliocene Epoch at the end of the tertiary period, an ice age had begun.
  • Quaternary

    • temperatures drop, ice sheets spread from the Poles and cover much of North America and Europe, parts of Asia and South America, and all of Antarctica -lants and animals that sought warmth and comfort toward the Equator return to the higher latitudes -modern humans were rapidly spreading around the globe