Period: 276 BCE to 194 BCE
-Eratosthenes was also the first to calculate the tilt of the Earth's axis
-So we can know more about gravitational pull -
Period: 85 BCE to 165 BCE
Claudius Ptolemy
-Ptolemy synthesized Greek knowledge of the known Universe. His work enabled astronomers to make accurate predictions of planetary positions and solar and lunar eclipses
-Made us know and be able to gain lots of information about the universe and how things work. -
Period: 1473 to 1543
nicholaus Copernicus
-Nicolaus Copernicus was a Polish astronomer who put forth the theory that the Sun is at rest near the center of the Universe, and that the Earth, spinning on its axis once daily, revolves annually around the Sun. This is called the heliocentric, or Sun-centered, system.
-because it is right rather than the earth is at the center -
Period: 1546 to
tycho brahe
-Tycho's discovery of the new star in Cassiopeia in 1572
- Brahe's 1572 observation of a supernova challenged the widely accepted ancient theory that the stars were unchanging. Brahe's 1577 observation of a comet proved that comets existed outside the atmosphere -
Period: 1571 to
Johannes Kepler
-Kepler used simple mathematics to formulate three laws of planetary motion.
-So we know if we are closer to the sun the orbit around is faster so we know how time moves in other planets -
Period: to
sir issac newton
-Newton proposed that all objects in the Universe pulled on each other through gravity. It was the reason why planets move in orbits and why objects fall to the Earth.
-So we know how we can live and not fall off the earth while it rotates and how the earth can stay in orbit with all the other planets. -
Period: to
albert einstein
-the theory of relativity, from 1905 to 1915, which eventually led to an explanation of the origin of the universe.
-he made it so everything in the universe made sense