When it happen
In Japan the earthquake happened on 11th of March 2011 and magnitude 9.0~9.1 . -
Which spot had a biggest magnitude and epicentre in Japan
The epicentre is near Sendai and depth was 29km and there was 3 shaking in Japan -
In Touhoku earth quake there was tsunami and it was 40.5m waves and many people, building, concrete, cars, tracks, bike were washed away(one Miyagi bike went to US by the sea). -
Damage caused by earth quack
45,700buildings were distorted and 19759 people died and 6242 people war injured and 2553 people are still missing -
Nuclear power plants meltdowns
In Hukushima, daiichiNucklear power plants was damaged by tsunamis so it been meltdown. -
Treated water problem
Recently, the company has received backlash from fishermen for discharging treated water from nuclear power plants into the sea, and has also received criticism from overseas.