
  • 1000 BCE

    Shaman's Staff

    Shaman's Staff
    A massive celestial object, the "Shaman's Staff", crash lands in the Americas around 1,000 BC. It grants powerful mystical abilities to a group of indigenous tribes, influencing their cultural development and laying the groundwork for a more prominent magical society.
  • European Expansion

    European Expansion
    The tribes wielding the power of the Shaman's Staff fiercely resist colonization. This extended conflict leads to a slower European expansion and a stronger, more unified indigenous population across the Americas.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    The American Revolution takes place with a larger contingent of metahuman warriors from the Native American tribes. This shapes the course of the revolution and the formation of the United States of America.
  • The Darkhold

    The Darkhold
    A desperate man confronts a legendary vampire, but his final act unleashes a terrifying legacy. A loyal servant is freed from Dracula's control, stealing away into the night with the Chthonic tome he had recently procured. The werewolf woman is never seen again...
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The Industrial Revolution is jumpstarted by technological advancements inspired by studying the Shaman's Staff.
  • Sinister Sins #1

    Sinister Sins #1
    Nathaniel Essex, a renowned geneticist doing research on the mutant gene, meets with the leader of the Hellfire Club, Sebastian Shaw. They discuss in private the Hellfire Club’s legacy and a future envisioned of nurturing further mutation to guide the evolution of mankind.
  • Sinister Sins #2

    Sinister Sins #2
    Nathaniel Essex meets with the infamous Dr. Frankenstein, a man who once created life from the bodies of the dead. While Frankenstein refuses to outright aid Essex in his endeavors, he does point him in the direction of ancient texts and forgotten alchemical practices.
  • Sinister Sins #3

    Sinister Sins #3
    Nathaniel Essex enters the restricted archives of the British Museum, locating a book called The Codex of the Indigo Sun, learning more of the ancient artifact known as the Shaman’s Staff. He aims to claim it for himself, in order to bring about the future he desires. Meanwhile Sebastian Shaw conspires to use the staff for his own ends, wishing to bring the Hellfire Club as well as mutantkind to planetwide supremacy.
  • Sinister Sins #4

    Sinister Sins #4
    Having grown gravely ill, Nathaniel Essex is further deceived by Sebastian Shaw, setting the stage for what will eventually grow into Weapon X. In return with the funding necessary to develop a cure for himself, Essex agrees to participate in the experimentation of mutants in order to create the ultimate soldier in a war for mutant dominance that the Hellfire Club has envisioned.
  • Weapon X #1

    Weapon X #1
    Within a hidden research facility in the Canadian Rockies, Nathaniel Essex experiments on James “Logan” Howlett by bonding adamantium to his skeleton through abuse of his healing factor. General William Trask arrives, seeming to put a stop to the experiments, but as Logan is guided away from the lab he finds himself within a holding cell with others experimented on similarly to himself: John, Creed, Cyber, and Sabertooth.
  • World War One

    World War One
    World War I plays out similarly, but with the US entering the conflict earlier due to concerns about European aggression towards Native American nations in South America.
  • Captain America #1

    Captain America #1
    Worried for the fate of the world should the Nazi banner continue its march, the elders of her tribe entrusted Wohawnema with a shard of the Shaman’s Staff and knowledge of an ancient ritual to call upon the power of the Thunderbird. Performing the ritual, Wohawnema is transformed into Captain America, a symbol of freedom and defender of not just the Navajo Nation, but all nations.