Early World War 2

By Q'Asia
  • Japan attacks Manchuria

    This attack was located in china. The Japanese were victorious in this battle.
  • Japan leaves Leauge of Nations

    Led by the dapper Yosuke Matsuoka.
  • Germany leaves League of Nations

    Months after Adolf Hitler was chosen to become chancellor, the government announced the withdrawal from the league or nations.
  • US Neutrality Acts Signed

    There were 4 Neutrality acts. They were passed in 1935, 1936,1937 and 1939.
  • Japan attacks China

    This attack remained undeclared until December 1941.
  • Germany takes over Austria

    German taking over Austria was known as Anschluss. Nazi Germany provided support for the Austrian National Socialist.
  • Munich Peace Conference Begins

    The munich peace was signed in Germany. Chamberlain, Hitler Mussolini, Daladier, and Ciano signed the agreement which gave the sudetenland to Germany.
  • Germany takes over Czechoslovakia

    This began with German annexation of Czechoslovakia's border regions known collectively as the Sudetenland .
  • Non-Aggression Pact between Germany and Soviet Union

    A national treaty between two or more states. those two states promises not engage in military activities towards each other.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    The German and soviet won. The invade of Poland was an Defensive war.
  • France Falls to the Germans

    The axis was victorious in the falls to Germany. this situation was located low countries, France.
  • Battle of Britain Begins

    battle was located in united kingdom. The British were Vitorious.