The 3 ship that set sail for Jamestown. -
The Mayflower set sail from England to the New World. -
South Carolina.
William Sayle founded South Carolina. -
William Penn founded Pennsylvania -
The College of William and Mary is founded in Williamsburg, Virginia. -
Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin is born in boston. Without Ben we would not have electrisity and our lives would be so different. It would be like living in the stone age. -
Native Americans & North Carolina
War broke out between the Native Americans and the North Caroline Settlers -
Public Libary
The first American public libary was founded by Benjamin Franklin -
The Sons of Liberty apposed the Stampact. The Stampact was where the British wanted to put taxes on for the Offical stamps. These stamps were put onto any documents or paper products. -
Thomas Hutchison
A mob in Boston attacks Thomas Hutchison. He was still on Englands side and people were not happy with that so they sent a mod to his house. Luckly Thomas heard news of the mob coming and he was able to take his family to satey before they got there. -
News of the repeal of the stampact results in celibration and the Americans boycotting England -
The Townshend Act constituted an attempt by the British government to consolidate fiscal and political power over the American colonies by placing import taxes on many of the British products bought by Americans, including lead, paper, paint, glass and tea. In 1770 it was repealed -
Boston tea party
The Boston Tea Party "the Destruction of the Tea in Boston".
The Americans dumped all the Tea the the ships brought over into the harbor. -
General Gage ordered 700 British soldiers to Concord to destroy the colinists wapon depot. This started the revolutionary war -
End to Hostillites
England offically declared an end to hostillites in America. -
The US army is established. -
John Adams
John Adams was elected the seconded president. -
John Adams' Presidency
Mar 4, 1797 - Mar 3, 1801 John Adams is President -
Population Growth
THe Population grew from 2.2 million to 2.8 million people. More people decided to live closer to the Atlantic Ocean enabling them to ship goods and fish for food. -
Thomas Jefferson is Elected President
Thomas Jefferson won the election by promising to get rid of all federal taxes in the 1801 election. The Supreme Court ruled that Jefferson had won after he tied with Aaron Burr, who became the Vice President. -
Louisiana Purchase
Jefferson purchaces 800,000 square miles of the Louisiana Territory from Napoleon for $15 million dollars. -
The First Barbary war
Harrison Land Acts
William Henry Harrison introduced these acts, where white people pushing for new land kicked out the native americans out for new land. -
Lewis and Clark
Lewis and Clark on their expedition route. -
James Madison become President
James Madison becomes President -
Population and Housing
The population in the United States was 7,239,881 people in 1810. Out of all those people 1,191,362 were slaves. -
Congress Raises Taxes for the War
Congress decided to fund the War of 1812 by raising taxes on imported goods and issued $5,000,000 in bonds. This was an important economic event because over-taxed goods affected how much people bought. America could risk losing thousands of dollars. -
President Madison Declares War
During the first year of Madison's Presidency, 1809, trade with France and England was not allowed. Trade resumed with the two nations in May 1810. Under pressure from a group in Congress on June 1, 1812 President James Madison asked Congress to declare war. England US ships were prevented from passing through to france by England causing ajamor issue. This put the trading system between Enland and The United States in jeopardy and the only possible solution was war. -
The War of 1812
Capitol building in Washington
British burn Capitol building in Washington -
James Monroe
James Monroe becomes President. -
Alabama admitted as slave state, bringing the number of slave states and free states to equal numbers. -
Spain Sells Part of Florida to United States
Spain traded part of Florida to pay their debt of $5 million dollars. -
Treaty of Chicago
Meant for Michigan this treaty is called the Treaty of Chicago, The Treaty officially gave the United States the state of Michigan. Lewis Cass the Michigan Territoral Govenor at the time along with various Native American tribes signed the treaty. -
John Quincy Adams becomes President
John Quincy Adams become the sixth president of the United States -
Andrew Jackson becomes President
Andrew Jackson becomes the seventh President of the United States -
Indian Removal Act
President Jackson passed this act.
Cherokee and other tribes were dragged from their homes in Georgia and herded West by Federal troops. If the native Americans refused to move they met with military Force -
The Black Hawk War
This war only lasted from May to August. It was lead by the Native American Black Hawk with different Native American tribes against citizens of the United States. THe Native Americans wanted their land back, but the government made a treaty for the government to take the land official. -
The 25th State - Arkansas
the original Native American people living in Arkansa were called the Bluff Dwellers. They lived along the mississippi and Arkens Rivers. -
Marin Van Buren becomes President
Nartin Van Buren becomes the eigth President of the United States -
Depression of 1837 - 1843
The first depression of the United States. The cause was Jackson's law that banks would not be allowed to accept paper notes as a form of payment. Depression hit when the banks lost money. President Van Buren was opposed to direct government action. -
William H. Harrison becomes President
William Henry Harrison becomes the ninth President of the united States. -
John Tyler becomes President
John Tyler becomes the tenth President of the United States -
The Oregon Fever
1000 pioneers headed to Oregon in 1843 for a new start. The reports of fertile soil, towering forest, sunny weather, and farms free to those who wanted them attacted many to head to Oregon. -
Treaty with China
trade opens up between the United States and the far east with the signing of a treaty with China -
Texas Becomes a State
President John Tyler signed the resolution adding Texas as a state to the United States. -
James Lmpx Polk becomes President
James Knox Polk becomes the eleventh President of the United States -
United States - Mexican War
The United states were fighting for New Mexico, California, and part of Northern Mexico. The U.S. army captured Mexico City, which forced Mexico to sell the northern part of Mexico for 15 million dollars. -
The Treaty of 1848
The treaty declared claim to California and New Mexico as land belonging to the United States. This treaty was the major accomplishment of President James Knox Polk. -
California Gld Rush
Many people came west to California to find gold and many did not find any. -
Zachary Taylor becomes President
Zachary Taylor becomes the twelveth President of the United States. -
The Clayton-Bulwer Treaty
The treaty was negotiated by John M. Clayton (United States) and Sir Henry Lytton Bulwer (United Kingdom). The treaty was an attempt to build the Nicaragua Canal that would connect to the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. -
Debate on slavery
Henry Clay debates slavery and warns Americans about the South's seccession. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
The Kansas-Nebraska At divided the land west of Missouri into Two Territories, The line seperated free and slave states. -
Dred Scott Cass
This was a Landmark decision by the supreme court which the court stated that African Americans, slave or free were not citizens. This meant they could not sue in public court. The decision angered many Americans. -
John's Brown Raaid
John Brown raided the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia. He is unsuccessful to obtain arms fo a slave insurrection. Brown is hang for treason on Dec 2. -
South Carolina leaves the Union.
South Carolina secedes from the Union causing the CIvil War. -
Abraham Lincoln becomes President
Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, becomes the nineteenth president of the United States. The south was outraged because they knew Licoln would try to abolish slavery. This brought the country closer to Civil War. -
Civil War
Seven States secede from the union forming the Confederate States of America. -
Attack on Fort Sumter
Fort Sumter, South Carolina, was attacked and surrendered. This was the start of the Civil War. -
Major Battles of the Civil War
Battle of Shiloh, Second Battle of Bull Run, and a major truning point in the civil war the Battle of Antietam which was the first battle the South did not win. -
Slavery abolished in the District of Columbia
Congress abolishes slavery in the District of Columbia - a road for freedom for African - Americans. -
The Emancipation Proclamation
Licoln's Emanipation Proclamation took efect January 1, legally freeing slaves in areas of the South in rebellion. -
March to the Sea
General Sherman burns everything in his path. -
The assassination of Lincoln
Lincoln is killed by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's theator. Vice-president Johnson becomes president. -
The end of the Civil War
Confederat General Lee surrenders at Appomatics Court House. -
Ratification of Thirteenth Amendment.
The Thirteenth Amendment outlawed slaver and was ratified. -
The Fourteenth Amendment
Congress approved the fourteenth amendment guaranteeing due process and equal protection under the law to all citizens. The amendment would also grant citizenship to Afro - Americans -
President Johnson Impeached, acquitted.
President Johnson is impeached and acquitted -
The Fourtheenth Amendment ratified.
This amendment graned citizenship to any person born or naturalized in the United States. -
Ulysses S. Grant becomes President.
Civil war general Ulysses S. Grant is elected as president. -
Fifteenth Amendment approved
Congress sent the fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution to the states for approval. Afro - Americans were guarantee the right to vote. -
Invention of the telephone
Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone. -
Rutherford B. Hayes becomes president
Rutherford B Hayes becomes president of the United States -
James Garfield elected president
James A. Garfield was elected president.