Early US. History

  • Period: Feb 25, 1300 to

    Early US. History

  • Feb 25, 1350

    The Black Death

    People would get sick and there was no cure in midle ages. (Europe)
  • Feb 25, 1450

    Slave trade began

    Due to exploring of Western Africa, slaves were captured and sold to Europeans
  • Feb 26, 1480

    Ottoman Empire Takes Power

    Ottoman Empire takes over trade route taking stuff to cross
  • Feb 26, 1488


    Dias attempts to sail around Africa. Gets to the southern tip of Africa and goes back.
  • Feb 26, 1492


    Spain hires Columbus to find a new route to the Indies. Thinks he's going east when going west. He finds ans claims this land for spain.
  • Feb 26, 1498

    da Gama

    da gama sals to the Indies. Portugul succeeds in sailing to the Indies.
  • Feb 26, 1513

    The First European Sees Flordia

    Ponce de Leon, First one to step in U.S
  • Feb 26, 1535


    France claims the St. Lawrence River for France.
  • Feb 26, 1565

    Spain The First Settlement

    Spain starts the first European settlement in North America, St Augustine, Florida.
  • English Attemt a Settlement

    English attempt a settlement at Roanoke. Word left Croatoan
  • JamesTown

    Jamestownis establish as the first permanent English colony in North America.
  • pilgrums

    plymouth colony pilgrums land
  • 13 colonies established

    Georgia was last to be established. a race to be the best taxes lower. That was a problem.
  • French & Indian

    French and Indian war. Egland helped the Indians and won if not for Egland.begins
  • French & Indain war ends

    proclamation line established
  • sugar act

    taxes on colonists
  • stamp act

    taxes on colonists
  • townshed act

    taxes on colonists
  • England sends troops

    troops sent to colonies (Boston) 4000 troops (1 soldier for every 4 citizens)
  • Boston Massacre

    group of solders opened fire on a group of protesters.
  • British repeals taxes

    exept on tea
  • boston tea party

    threw tea off a ship in ocean
  • the first continental congress

    56 delegates from the 13 colonies meet in philadelphea. (solidarity!) united together.
  • lexington/concord

    malita soldiers face off with British army at lexington.on way back to boston the British are attacked by additional patriots. British run for cover.
  • sining of Declaration of Independence

  • war ends

    British gov. signs treaty of paris. gave the U.S all the land from mississippi R. to Atlantic ocean.
  • conatition written

  • constition ratified

  • first presidential election

  • Bill f rights added to constition.