Feb 19, 1473
Nicholas Copernicus
He invented a heliocentric model of the universe. -
Dec 14, 1546
Tycho Brach
He discovered the SN 1572- a supernova -
Feb 16, 1564
Galileo Galilie
He was know for the improvements he made to the teliscope and his astronomical observation and support for Copernicanism. -
Dec 27, 1571
Johannes Kelper
He was know for his laws of planetary motion. -
Giovanni Cassini
He discovered the Diurnal Rotation of Venus -
Sir Isaac Newton
Newton expained how the universe functions through mathmatics and physics and created from that the Laws Of Motion. -
Edmond Halley
He taught the computing of the orbit of the eponymous Halley's Comet -
Charles Messier
He published an astronomical catolog consisting of research on a nebulae and star clusters that became known as the 110 "Messier Object". -
William Herschel
Herschel discovered inferred light. -
Anne Jump Cannon
She discovered 5 novae. She also classifed over 350,000 stars. -
ALbert Einstein
Albert made a forumla to accurtely describe Brownian Motion. -
Edwin Hubble
He descovered cosmos and showed that their was more than on galaxy in the Milky Way -
Frank Drake
Frank Drake conducted the first SETI project. -
Carl Sagan
He contributed to the research of figureing out Mars was a dust planet -
Stephen Hawking
He publsihed a large scale structure of Space-Time.