Feb 19, 1473
Nicolas Copernicus
He formulated a helioenentric model of the universe -
Dec 14, 1546
Tycho Brahe
He ade his own model of the universe caled the tychonic system -
Feb 15, 1564
Galileo Gahlile
played a major in scientific revolution -
Dec 27, 1571
Johannes Kepler
He made the the laws of planetary motion -
Giovanni Cassini
He came up with the division of the rings of saturn, known as the cassini Division -
Sir Isaac Newton
he laid the foundation for classical mechanics. -
Edmond Haley
He was best know for computing the orbit of the Eponymous Halley's comet. -
Chareles Messier
He published an astronomical cataloge consstiong of nebulae and star clusters known as the 110 messier objects -
William Herchel
First person to dicover the existence of infared radiation -
Annie Jump Cannon
Created the harvard classifiation scheme -
Albert Einstein
He made the mass- energy equivelance formul for astronamy -
Edwin Hubble
played a crutal role in establishing the field of extragalactic -
Frank Drake
one of the pioneres in search for ET intellegence -
Carl Sagan
he contributed to the discovery of the high surface temperatures of venus -
Stephen Hawking
came up with the hawking radiation theory